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Hackers P.O.V

Life couldn't be better.

Zoey's P.O.V

Everyone is sleeping over. Andrea, Lox, and I are in my room. Troye, and Tyler are in 'Tyler's room' The other boys are in whatever room they selected.

Us girls are still up, and it's 3 a.m. We're just talking about stuff on Younow.

"Hm we should prank them" Andrea smirks

"Good idea I bet the boys are sleeping, so who do we prank?" I ask.

"What about-" Someone is banging really loudly on the door. What the hell.

"Um whoa guys there's someone at the door do you hear that?!" I say grabbing a bat. We all walk with the laptop towards the door as the loud bangs get louder.

Why aren't the boys waking up?
I look through the peephole, and it's too dark to make anything out.

"In three" Andrea whispers

Three" She swings the door open as I get ready with the bat.

"Don't swing at me! What the- are you trying to kill me?" Shawn responds to our actions.

"Oh it's Shawn" I chuckle as I look at the Camera.

"Yeah it's Shawn not a killer!" Lox sighs "Awe I wanted to have some fun"

"What you wanted us to die?" Andrea furrows her eyebrows.

"I just wanted to hang out with you guys, that's if Zoey's not m-"

"You didn't do anything wrong Shawn come on in" I pull him in, but before I could close the door someone's foot stops it. I slowly open it, and see a grump Thomas.

"Hey I haven't seen you in-"

"Can you guys stop making noise? People are trying to sleep"

"Oh sorry, by the way-" Before I could finish he's walking away. I close the door, and look at Shawn, and the girls

"What did you do to him?" Andrea asks

"I don't know"

"Can we do the prank now?" Mahogany asks.

"Yep" We all look at Shawn.

"What?" He steps back.

"Come one Shawn, don't be a little-"

"Andrea" I laugh "We're online." I point to the laptop Mahogany is holding

"Right. Let's keep it PG guys" She smiles

"What should I do?" Shawn asks the viewers

"Yeah you're going to be in this regardless. You came, so you have to be apart of this" I shrug.

"Fine. I just don't want to get beat up"

"Don't worry you won't die"

"Fine. I'm going to be behind your room door, so that once you get chased you all can run in, and I'll lock it before they can get in"

"Fine only because you're Shawn" Andrea sighs.


We're all actually having fun instead of killing each other at 6 a.m. Yep we've been up all night.

"Ha" Shawn chuckles whiles reading a text.

"What happened?"

"Taylor, and Carter want to come over along with the rest of the guys. You know only Taylor and Carter said stuff the rest of us aren't at fault"

"Everyone else can come except for the two boys" I say. He nods, and starts typing.

We aren't on YouNow anymore. We are all just laying down either on my bed, the floor, or bean bags. We all just start talking, and talking about deep stuff.

"Hey I was wondering." Andrea pokes me


"What has gotten up Thomas' ass? What did you do to make him so angry?"

"I don't know. To be honest we haven't talked in a while, and-" oh sweet mother of- oh my goodness. Can Thomas be the hacker?! No it can't be!

"What? Wha-what's wrong?"

"Nothing Andrea I just remembered something"

"They're outside" Shawn's voice chimes in.

"Shawn come with me to tame the beasts" I chuckle as the both of us get up, and walk out of my room.



"I know this is the worst time to say it, but I'm better off telling you now-" He's interrupted by a loud bang on the door.

"Goodness do you want to brake my door down?!" I yell running towards the door.

Once I open it I see police officers?

"Whoa what happened here?"

"Who's the legal owner of this apartment?"

"Me I guess what's going on?"

"Miss you are being detained. Now your rights will be said as we place the handcuffs on you." I back up a little as I see the boys appear.

"Why am I being detained? Do you have a probable cause?" Yep my crime scene marathons paid off.

"Are you going to do this the hard way or the easy way?"

"Why is she being detain officer?" Aaron asks, but they stay silent, and proceed to handcuff me.

Am I going to jail?!

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