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I'm Zoey. There are a few guys that make my life a living hell.

Cameron Dallas

Taylor Caniff

Jack Gilinsky

Jack Johnson

Shawn Mendes

Aaron Carpenter

Carter Reynolds

Jacob Whiteside

Nash Grier

Mathew Espinosa

Nash Grier's little brother Hayes is like me brother. Matt, Aaron, and Shawn are pretty much forced into this. They hurt me, because they don't want to get hurt, and become losers like me. As I'm putting my things inside my locker to end the day someone slams it shut almost making my fingers get caught. Of course I turn around, and see the boys.

"Why haven't you gone to hell already bitch?" Taylor says stepping forward.

"Because I'm not the devil, look at the mirror, and you'll see who deserves to go to hell" I say trying to stick up for myself. He slaps me. I guess you're wondering. Where are my teachers? Well they don't give a shit. Each guy gets a turn either punching me countless times, or kicking me. It hurts, but I've gotten used to it.

"Next time shut the fuck up bitch" Cameron says kicking my stomach. They all laugh, and leave. Thank goodness. I get up, and walk outside to where my sister picks me up. She's a senior, and the most popular girl in school. She is the ideal image of a perfect straight A student that can have any guy she wants. In school we don't talk. No one knows we're related. Funny how we're the complete opposite of each other. I spot her car, and walk she drives up to me when she see's me.

"Oh no this again" She says

"It's fine Haley" I say getting into her car

"It's not fine they do this everyday. Countless days, and you just let it slide" She says driving off.

"Well I'm not going to see them when I'm older I just have to get through high school, and never see them again" I shrug.

"Zoe you need to understand that this had to stop. You have to do something about this" she says in all seriousness

"I'm not going to become a preppy school girl that wears skirts, and crop tops, I'm not girly" I say

"You don't have to be girly to look nice" She says.

"Well I'm not going to change who I am for people who aren't worth it" I say

"Fine. Fine" She huffs.


"Now girls we need you to sit down" My parents say as Haley, and I sit down on the couches.

"Your dad, and I have found a job that payed three times what we're making, and it's in California" My mom says. I instantly smile. Wow I get to get away from the guys! This is a dream.

"Mom that means I have to start a whole new life, and I don't want that" Haley whines. Of course.

"Haley it's a opportunity, and we're taking it. This is for the better" Dad says.

"I'm fine with it, when are we moving?" I ask.

"In two days, so tomorrow you have to get packing. We talked to the school. You have to take your things from your locker, and that's it" Dad says making Haley upset, and me happy. Finally a break from hell!

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