two / detention

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Allison Mayhem

         "Wake up!" Hermione shouted while shaking me out of my deep sleep, causing me to jump slighlty. I looked at my watch realizing it was 8:45 am. Class began in 15 minutes. "We slept in!" She gasped. I quickly jumped up and out of the bed and threw on my robe. I put my wand in the side of my boot and quickly did my makeup to the best of my capabilities with the limited amount of time I had. The two of us quickly rushed down the stairs, and past the Gryffindor common room. We hustled as fast as we could to our first period, Defense Against The Dark Arts with Snape, of course. He finally got what he had always wanted, to teach DADA, which made me despise one of my favorite classes, making one more thing to be disappointed about this year. As we hurried down a corridor, I looked down at my watch.

"2 minutes!" I shouted as we rushed past the Great Hall. But before I knew it, I was on the ground with my books scattered all around me. I looked up to see a grim face staring down at me, with a smug smirk plastered all over it. "What the hell, Malfoy?" I shouted, standing myself to my feet, as Hermione helped me, shooting him a dirty look as well.

"Sorry, Mayhem. Didn't want to make you late." He scoffed with a wicked grin. I noticed Blaise standing nearby, smirking to himself.

"You got something to say too, Zabini?" I shouted at him, as he lifted his hands up in surrender, still smirking slightly. Hermione handed me my things after gathering them from the floor. "Get bent." I rolled my eyes to the two of them, as Hermione grabbed my wrist and we continued hurrying to class.

"30 seconds!" Hermione shouted as we could just barely see the entryway. I felt like this was the most exercise I had done in months, so I couldn't help but feel out of breath. And finally, right at the last second, we dashed in. A feeling of relief washed over me, as Hermione gave me a quick low five. Before suddenly, our excitement was let down within a matter of moments.

"Late." The eerie voice greeted us. I was still trying to catch my breath, as I bent forward, with my hands on my knees, breathing in slowly, and out. Maybe I really should start watching how much food Ron and I try to eat in one sitting.

"By like, one second." I finally muttered in rebuttal, as I looked up and noticed how the voice I had heard, turned into a face, and that face turned out to be Severus Snape. Of course, story of my life, am I right?

"What was that, Mayhem?" He asked, stepping forward slightly. I couldn't help but smirk. He just made it too easy for me to not be scared of him. I mean, he really thought he could make me intimidated but I knew that sometimes I intimidated him more, by being the only student who had the courage (and the balls) to say my mind. "Take your seats." His voice echoed, in a clear tone of annoyance, but hey, at least he wasn't arguing back. So Hermione and I quickly found our seats, as we were told to. The class was boring, of course, since Snape was teaching. What makes matters even more worse is the fact that Draco is in this class, and he just showed up about 20 minutes late and Snape didnt even say a thing about it.

"Pst," Harry whispered from behind me as I turned to face him, wondering what he wanted so bad, knowing we will get chewed out if Snape hears us. "Are you trying out for Quidditch again?" He continued, clearly hoping for a yes.

"I'm the best chaser you've got. Of course I am." I winked playfully. He smiled in response and went back to his notes. I turned back to face the front of the classroom but instead, I was faced with Snape 3 feet away from me. He really could not leave me alone.

"Are you done chatting up Mr. Potter, Mayhem?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, Severus." I smirked, knowing I definitely was in for it now. He just made it too easy. His face now turned a dark red and I could see the metaphorical steam blowing out of his ears like the Hogwarts Express.

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