seventeen / filthy muggles

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Allison Malfoy

          "Where are we?" Ron asked, as we walked down a crowded street in what seemed to be London.

"I used to come here when I was younger with mom and dad. This way." Hermione said, as we followed her down an alley in the darkness. "We need to change." She insisted as she reached into her bag and handed us all clothes, glaring at me. We quickly changed in the alleyway and then found a diner nearby and sat down.

"You think we should go back?" Harry asked the other two, as it was that I happened to just be here by accident and I could easily tell I was definitely unwanted and unwelcome.

"That'll just put everyone in danger." Ron whispered to him. "They're after us, so we need to stay away from our friends and family for right now. If they don't know where we are, the death eaters can't hurt them." He insisted, which wasn't totally true, as death eaters truthfully did not care, but I didn't want to cause more of a panic.

"You can always go back." Hermione sneered at me, shooting a sharp glare my way. I leaned back, feeling even worse than I had before.

"No, she can stay with us." Harry said, unexpectedly, causing my furrowed eyebrows to relax, as I truly was shocked.

"Where should we go?" I asked, as the bell above the diner door jingled and I noticed two men walk in. But something was suspicious about them, as they looked familiar. And anyone who looked familiar to me, had to have been death eaters. "Get. Down." I whispered, slowly. But they already were sending spells at us. Harry hit one and then I hit the other. "Avada Kedavra!" I shouted at him, killing him instantly. The three of them looked at me, in disbelief that I just used a killing curse, especially on fellow death eaters. I hoped that could prove to them what my intentions were and how much I truly cared for them. But suddenly, I wondered about Draco, and how worried he had to have been right now. I just hoped he wasn't getting punished for my actions.

"Lock the door and get the lights." Harry said to us, walking past me to the light switches. We then walked over to the men.

"This one was with us, when uh, Dumbledore—" I said hesitantly, about the one I had killed, as they looked to me. "The other one was on wanted posters, also a follower."

"We'll wipe this ones memory." Hermione said and she did just that.

       The three of us quickly fled the scene, and we walked around the town, until we found a secret place where Madeye had hidden. No one was here but us. And each of us soon went to sleep to get some rest.

        In the morning, I woke up first, hours before the others. I sat on the floor, as a couple of butterflies I had conjured up floated around me, when Harry approached. "It's okay if you hate me." I said to him.

"I don't." Harry responded. "I just don't know if I fully trust you." He finally admitted, which was completely understandable, as I had lied about so much.

"I understand." I said, looking down, but also feeling a bit of happiness at the thought that he didn't hate me. When everyone woke up, they began discussing a horcrux necklace. And then Kreature, a house elf, appeared from one of the side rooms. Harry questioned him about it, and then made Kreature find it.

Dobby, Kreature and the man who supposably has the horcrux appeared about an hour later, so we cornered him, demanding answers as we were on a time crunch.

"Tell the truth!" Hermione shouted.

"Some witch tells me she needs to talk to me." He picked up a newspaper. "There she is!" We looked to see it was Umbridge, of course, the only other person I hated more than Voldemort.

         The three of us apparated to a place that would get us to the ministry of magic. Hermione snatched 4 peoples hair and created a potion that would leave us to turn into each of them. "Well, cheers." I lifted it up and we all took a swig.
And then there we were, four completely new people, or, old people, that is. Hermione and I went into another bathroom then Harry and Ron did. And we flushed ourselves to the Ministry. Each of us clearly arrived at different places. We got into an elevator and a man approached us.

"It's still raining inside my office." He said to Ron, who had been disguised as another sort of man. "Thats two days now." The man sounded very bothered by this.

"You tried an umbrella?" Ron asked, causing me to laugh a little, and looking to the buttons of the elevator, and beginning to play with them out of awkwardness.

"You have one hour." The man responded and the elevator began to move. Ron was let off at a different floor and then we continued on.

"If we don't find Umbridge within the hour, lets just go back and find Ron and leave." Harry told us as we nodded. The elevator door opened and there the devil herself was. Umbridge. Well, that was easier than expected.

And she got right in. "Albert, aren't you getting out? You too, Sarah?" She asked Harry and I.

"Uh, right, yes. I am Sarah, and I will be leaving with my good friend Albert." I pat his back, nervously, as I wasn't very good at pretending to be someone I was not. So we stepped out. Leaving Hermione in there all alone with Umbridge. We found ourselves in a room with tons of workers. Harry set off several smoke bomb sort of spells so we could easily sneak into Umbridges office. I noticed a gold bracelet sitting on her desk, that actually was surprisingly kind of pretty, considering Umbridge's style was absolutely horrendous.

"Think she will miss this?" I asked Harry. As he smirked a little, and I snatched it from her desk, putting it on, and admiring it. He then found some documents, and grabbed them, and we walked out of the room, and back into the elevator. Then Ron walked in.

"Where's Hermione?" Ron asked.

"The court room with Umbridge." Harry said back. So thats where we went. "Its here." He said.

"Look at her neck." I whispered to them. There the horcrux was, sitting on her neck, just in between her collarbones. I watched as Harry pulled out his wand, gaining her attention.

"What on earth are you doing, Albert?" Umbridge asked. I could see my hair changing colors from the brown of the woman I was pretending to be, and back to my silver. And Harrys face began to reveal his true identity.

"You're lying, Dolores. And one mustn't tell lies." He smirked as she looked completely stunned. "Stupify!" He shouted, retrieving the horcrux. Damentors chased us into an elevator and luckily all four of us got in. I watched as we all began to change back into ourselves. The elevator dinged and we quickly got out, trying to hide Harry in between us, but I mean, everyone knew who Harry was at this point, so he wasn't easy to conceal.

"That's Harry Potter!" Someone shouted, and without a moments thought, we began to ran as guards chased us throwing spells at us too. But we kept running. We slipped into the fireplace all together and wound up in the middle of the woods.

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