twenty five / the boy who once lived

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Allison Malfoy

           I ran over to the nearest window and watched the battle below me, as chaos and destruction had erupted, and people were dying all around us. Students who didn't want to be apart of this, were now thrown into the middle, and it broke my heart. I turned to Draco as he continued pulling onto my hand, away from the room of requirement. "Draco where are we going?" I asked as we just ran, but he ignored me. "Draco?" I grew louder. Finally, after the third time he ignored my call, I stopped running and stood dead in my tracks, causing him to, as well.

"Allison come on!" He shouted, seeming impatient with me.

"No! Where the hell are we going?" I demanded to know.

"I'm getting you out of here to safety! You can't be around all of this." He told me, trying to pull my arm again, but I stayed put.

"This is my fight too! I have to protect them!" I shouted, knowing even if I couldn't help much, I was going to do the best I could.

"You have to be safe!" He pleaded with me, as worry filled his face.

"That's not fair, Draco. I can't let anymore people die." I shook my head as tears began to pool in my eyes.

"I can't let you die!" He shouted at me. "Do you hear that through that thick skull of yours? You have my baby in there. And you're my wife! God dammit, Allison, I love you. I've loved you since we were ten years old. And I'm not letting you die on me." He said. "This is war, people die, but I will not let anything happen to you, or that baby." I stood for a moment, feeling all his emotion enter into me, as my heart raced, feeling the love I never really knew he had for me. I ran over to him and pressed my lips against his and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I love you too, Draco. But I have to fight. I'm sorry. But I do." And with that, before his eyes, I disapparated to Harry in the Great Hall, which was being used as an infirmary. People lay dead and seriously injured. I watched Ron sob over Freds dead body, laying on the ground and my heart broke for him. Lupin and Tonks lay hand in hand, dead as well. It was traumatic for all of us, and not something a group of children should ever have to witness. I stayed with Hermione for a few minutes as we cried, because the realization that so many lives had been lost had really hit me. This day was a sad one, and knowing that Snape had died too, caused me to grow angry, considering it was by the demand of Voldemort himself. "Hermione, I have to go to them, right now. I need to play his side." I told her, as she looked to me. "I'll see you soon." I informed her, as she nodded, reaching up into a hug and I left.

         I walked with Narcissa, Lucius, Voldemort and a few select death eaters to the woods. We were going to wait for Harry.

"No sign of him, my lord." A deatheater said. We stared off into the trees.

"I really thought he would come." Voldemort whispered to himself. I watched them all turn around and gape at something. And there he was, my friend.

"Harry? No! What are you doing here?" Hagrid screamed as he was all tied up like an animal.

"Harry Potter. The boy who lived, come to die." Voldemort said as he lifted up his wand. "Avada kedavra!" He shouted in a voice so powerful, it shook the ground. Knocking Harry to the ground. I held my tears as far back as possible. My heart had broken at the sight of my once best friend, fell to the ground and died. Voldemort fell back too, but pulled himself back up. Narcissa hurried over to Harrys limp body.

"The boy. Is he dead?" Bellatrix asked her. Narcissa crouched down to Harry, and then within a few moments she stood up and turned to us.

"Dead." She stated.

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