fourteen / it's malfoy now

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Allison Malfoy

          I kissed Draco with so much doubt and sadness and anger. But with our lips locked with each others, it was enticing, to say the least. I could tell we both felt some sort of unexpected connection, and in a way, a lot of my fears seemed to float away into thin air. As we pulled apart, the crowd applauded. I looked over at my father who gave me a single nod, a nod of approval. That nod meant Voldemort was pleased with the ceremony and our actions. It was an indication that what we've done, is satisfactory. I grabbed on to Draco's hand, as he seemed to be somehow, the only person in this entire crowd of people that I felt I could trust. We walked back up the isle and carried on inside, where the reception was being held. And reception was sort of an overstatement, as it seemed more like a death eater gathering.
It was was dull, let's just go with that. All of the people were either adults who didn't trust me or Slytherin students whom hated me, and they just mingled amongst themselves. Most gave me weird looks and I heard some whisper things like "Isn't she a Gryffindor?" But I shrugged it off. As much as I wanted to turn around and shout 'yeah? And what about it?' , I didn't. As that would definitely create more unnecessary problems than I already had. Draco stared over at me, as he sat seated next to Blaise and Pansy. I couldn't help but notice Pansy giving me dirty looks from across the room, but yet, it was another thing I had to ignore. I stood near my parents, as I felt Draco's sharp eyes watching me carefully. I wondered if he was creeping into my mind like he apparently likes to do, or maybe he wasn't and just simply wondering what I was thinking.

        After a couple hours, people finally began to leave, thankfully. There were dozens of presents but all I wanted to do was go to bed. It was only seven o'clock but I had had enough for one night, as it had seemed to just drag on, endlessly. I went to my room, and into the bathroom, stripping the gown from my body and jumping into the shower. I washed all of the negative energy off of me. And eventually, after crying somewhat, I got out and dried off my hair, then slipped on some night garments. I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in." I said, with a crack in my voice. It was Draco.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see how you were doing." He said, surprisingly kindly. To be honest, after what he did for me last night by comforting me when I needed someone the most, it felt as though maybe he wasn't this terrible person I always believed him to be. Maybe that was just a front to hide his pain from the world. The most arrogant and egotistical people were usually the most broken inside.

"It's okay." I smiled as much as I was able to. I looked to him, as he stood awkwardly in the doorway, so I signaled him over to me and he obliged. He took a seat next to me on my bed. "I think we can manage to work this out." I finally stated. "I think us marrying each other isn't all that bad." He looked over at me, in a surprised way.

"I agree." His face curled into a small smile. Not a smirk, but an actual, genuine, Draco Malfoy smile. I reached over and grasped onto his cold, rough hand.

"Tomorrow we go back to Hogwarts." I stated, simply, while looking at the beautiful, and expensive, diamond with black specks in it, placed on my ring finger.

"You don't have to wear that." He said in some way of a response.

"I know." I began, as he nodded, seeming understanding, yet disappointed at the same time. "But I'm going to." I looked at him. We sat there awkwardly for a while until he stood up.

"Goodnight." He said to me.

"Wait," I stopped him from walking away so fast. "Will you sleep in here with me?" I finally asked. I dont know what it was. Maybe it was the fact that I spent too much time trying to pick out his flaws, rather than seeing the good in him, or maybe last night just changed my whole view point of the man I once believed was a horrid monster. But he was different now. He was genuine, as if he took his mask off, revealing his true self. He wasn't evil, he was just broken. And right now, I really needed someone, but I could also tell, so did he. He stood there in thought for a minute but then shut the door, and climbed into bed with me. I pressed myself against him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you, Draco. I would rather be married to you then anyone else." I yawned, trying to make him feel better, in my own way of apologizing for the terrible things I've said in the past. Because at this point, we were stuck together for good. His grip tightened and I could hear his heart beat faster.
        I hate to admit it, but I think I'm actually falling for the Draco Malfoy. And this was not a good thing.

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