sixteen / a war was brewing

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The Deathly Hallows pt 1

Allison Malfoy

          We sat at a large table in Malfoy Manor. The most important of death eaters were there. And Voldemort sat at the head. They discussed Harry, but I couldn't seem to focus and I could hear Draco worrying inside his head. Ever since he taught me legilimency, I've been practicing on him, as he has his guard down when it comes to me now. He was taught by Snape, and now I've been getting better at it. I stared over at him, wondering what he was thinking, as his mind seemed blank.

'Don't look at me like that, Allison.' I heard, so I stopped listening in on his thoughts and focused back on Voldemort.

"If I am to kill Harry, I must do it with anothers wand." Voldemort continued with his speech. He then approached Lucius's chair, and stood behind him, impatiently. "I require your wand." He said, holding his hand out with a dark and horrid smirk on his face. Lucius hesitated, but then took it out and handed it over. "The core?"

"D-dragon heartstring." He stuttered, nervously, but also seeming slightly upset as a wizards wand was their prize possession. Quickly, he snapped it in half, clearly not giving a second thought to it, and dropped it on the table before him. He then brought in Charity Burbage. The muggle studies teacher at Hogwarts.

"What is he doing?" I creeped back into Draco's mind, as he gave me a side glance, cautiously.

"Stop, Allison, you're playing with fire right now." He demanded. "Just please, shut up, and pay attention." He said, coldly. I took no hard feelings from his comment, as I knew I was being a bit too ballsy, with Voldemort sitting right by us, but I couldn't help it.

"To her, she would like us to mate with muggles." Voldemort said as the death eaters laughed. I knew what was about to happen. Under the table, Draco held onto my hand tightly, knowing I wasn't going to take this well, as I was never fond of seeing people die right in front of my eyes, but who would be? Well, besides a cult of crazy murdering death eaters, I guess. "Nagini," he said to his snake. "Dinner." And then in a blink of an eye, the snake swallowed her in nearly one gulp.

        Later that night, Draco and I sat in his room at his parents. I couldn't help but think to my friends and wonder what they had been doing, as a part of me really just wished I was with them. Draco clearly knew what I was thinking as he looked up at me, in a quick motion, and gave me a funny look. "I just miss them." I spit out. "Its been all summer."

"I know." He responded. I could tell that he hated that I missed my friends. But I couldn't help it. They were there for me for six years, and I cherished them more than anything on this earth. Draco suddenly leaned forward, moving closer to what seemed to be to kiss me but I threw myself back.

"Draco-" I began.

"You've done this all summer." He said, seeming disappointed in my response. But what did he expect? This was my response every time he tried to be intimate with me.

"It just doesn't seem right." I responded.

"We're married. We should be doing other things besides kissing." He sighed, with a little bit of that Malfoy attitude. "Don't you get it Allison? You do realize we will have to have kids soon, right? Voldemort will want that, and he's going to want us to procreate more followers for him." He said, leaning back. I knew he was right, but why would I want to have children just so they can grow up to be spiteful people who follow the most heinous and evil wizard of all time?

"I'm just not ready!" I said, in defense, not meaning to offend him. He grew quiet.

"Okay." He responded. Before I could say anything more, we both looked to the window, as the sound of a light tap echoed within the room. I opened it to see my owl, Lalu, carrying a letter. I opened it to see it was from Ron and my heart skipped a beat. I skimmed it. "What is it?" He asked.

"I've been invited to Bill Weasleys wedding." I said. "It's tonight." I looked up to him, feeling as my eyes were beaming with joy. I quickly sprung up, and began looking through my wardrobe to find the best dress I had.

"You can't go to that." Draco finally said, causing me to stop for a moment, but then not care, and continue digging through the outfits. "All the death eaters are going to be there tonight." He continued.

"Well I have to go. To explain things." I insisted, still not looking to him, pulling a long black dress out and pulling off my shirt.

"Allison, you can't!" He grabbed my arm as I was slipping the dress on over my head. I yanked my arm away from his grasp and scowled.

"Don't tell me what to do. You are my husband, not my father. I'll live my life and you will live yours." And with that, I rushed out onto the balcony and apparated myself to the Weasleys. I noticed that the place the Weasleys were living in was very small and it broke my heart to see that. They loved their home before we destroyed it. I walked up to the tent and right at the entrance, was Ron and Hermione.

"Hi." I said, as they both looked up, in shock. Hermione looked different, older and more wise. She also didn't look very happy to see me. "I'm sorry I'm early-"

"Why are you here?" Hermione questioned, walking towards me with fury and hatred in her eyes. Harry came out from around a corner, confused to see me as well.

"I invited her." Ron finally said, as I looked to him, smiling to myself that Ron was giving me a chance.

"You're one of them." Harry said to me and I watched as he gripped his wand in his hand near his side, tightly.

"No. Listen, my parents, t—they forced me." I whispered. I looked over their shoulders to see Luna walking towards us.

"You had a choice." Hermione stated.

"I didnt! I was— was betrothed to Draco, and my parents are deatheaters." I begged. "Please, I miss you all so much." I felt pathetic. "Just give me a chance to explain, I promise I have no intentions on hurting any of you."

"You have to marry Draco?" Hermione scoffed, looking appalled.

There was a long and deafening pause.

"I already did." I looked down, with shame. "Last January." They all looked shocked except Luna of course. "Please—" but before I could finish, a loud noise startled us all, and I quickly realized the deatheaters had arrived, early. And my dark mark was burning with pain. I dropped to the floor and Ron rushed over to me, clearly still having care for me as well.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. I rolled up my sleeve to reveal it to him.

"They're here. You guys have to leave!" I shouted, trying to get them to go far away. But the top of the tent suddenly caught on fire. Ron helped me to my feet and people began to scatter in a panic. "Please, Ron! You guys need to go!" I shouted over the chaos. Harry and Hermione looked to me and then quickly grabbed onto Ron and disapparated.

The only thing was, Ron was still holding on to me.

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