four / skates & quidditch

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Allison Mayhem

It began to grow cold sooner this year. By the time it was the last week of October, it was already snowing and the ponds and lakes were frozen to the core. Which made me thrilled considering That ever since I was a little girl, I loved ice skating. Quidditch had begun as well, and for the past month we had been working our asses off to ensure that we beat Slytherin, considering they were our biggest rival.

I stood at the edge of the pond, staring down at the solid white hue with a tint of blur, that was before me. My heart raced with eagerness, something about gliding across the ice just felt so freeing. I looked down at my skates to make sure they were tight enough and then lunged myself onto the ice. I skated faster and faster and twirled in several small spins. I felt my long hair flow to the back of my shoulders, as it chased after me within the wind and I finally felt so much stress and tension release from my body. The glistening ice was the most beautiful thing I've seen in months.

As I came down from my first attempt at a triple axel, I spun for another time, nearly crashing to the ground, but catching myself with my hand, and gliding into a standing position, it didn't take long for me to notice a face gazing from the distance, leaning against a pine tree. As I squinted my eyes, skating forward toward the bank of the shore, with hard concentration, I soon realized it was Draco. He stared at me in an awkward manner, and immediately that stress and tension I had let go, came flooding back in. My break from reality was clearly over with interruption. This lasted a while before I decided to turn around and skate the opposite way. But his eyes burnt a hole into my back, as I continued to feel as though he still had been staring over at me.

Finally, when I skated back to land, I held up my towel, drying my face of sweat and chipped ice which had quickly melted into water. I heard the rustle of grass near me, and I removed the towel, locking eyes with him.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I asked, picking up my bag, and shoving the towel into it. I continued to walk ahead, with him following close behind.

"Just came to ask how you're doing." He finally said. It was clear to me, that his father must've forced him to do this. The two of us hadn't really spoken since September, and half of my mission was now completed, as I looked down to my left arm that was covered by long fabric, but I knew what hid beneath that barrier, and so did he.

"I'm fine." I quickly stated, as he continued to follow me up the path, and back to the Hogwarts castle. He didn't seem to say much after that, so I couldn't quite understand why he was still riding my tail. "Anything more?" I continued, looking back at him. Something had seemed to change within him. He wasn't coming at me with his snarky remarks as he usually did, and if Draco wasn't being a prat, that had to have meant he was up to something. "If not, you're free to go." I dismissed him, really wanting to just be alone right now, as I had still been struggling to come to terms with myself and my newfound identity. He sulked off, quickly, and a part of felt a little guilty for being short tempered with him, but I mean, come on, it's Draco we're talking about here.

At Quidditch practice, Harry was coming down extra hard on us. Not only that, but apparently while I was out skating, he had convinced Ron that he was drinking Liquid Luck (or its proper name, felix felicis) to help ease his nerves and make him play with confidence, but turns out he didn't actually use the potion, he just used the placebo effect, creating great results.

But I on the other hand, was feeling extra confident today, even without liquid luck, and I wasn't sure why. But I just had a good feeling about the game today. It made it even better, that we were facing off against Slytherin, and even though Draco quit the team third year, he still went to the matches most of the time, and I just loved watching him look crushed when they lose.

"You doing okay?" Ron flew next to me on his broom, in question. I looked to him, giving a slight smile.

"I'm fine. Just lost in thought I guess." I continued to shrug, as I leaned back a little, making myself more comfortable.

"You nervous?" He called out to me, with a smirk, as if he was mocking me now.

"No. We'll do good, we always do." I smiled as he returned one back and we made our way to the ground.

"Good practice everyone! The game starts soon so go eat real quick and then meet back here in 35 minutes." Harry announced to the lot of us. And food sounded really appetizing right now, so Ron, Harry and I decided to hurry to the Great Hall, quickly finding Luna, as she waited for us at our normal spot.

"Hello everyone." She smiled at us, sweetly.

"Hey Luna. You coming to the game, I take it?" I joked, as she wore a huge lion headdress that was impossible to spot.

"Of course." She chirped, happily. She always just gave off this radiance of happiness and love, and it was a welcoming vibe that made anyone feel comfortable just speaking to her. She was a home when you needed one, as she always provided the support you could be lacking from others.

A snicker from nearby caused us all to look up, as we noticed a couple of Slytherin boys, seeming to be laughing at Luna. At first, I couldn't comprehend what they had been saying, but it was obvious they were not only laughing at her outfit for the match, but her long blonde hair, as well.

"Do you know you're an asshole, or does it just come naturally to you?" I asked, shouting over to the table across, where they were seated. He glared over at me, realizing he was caught, but obviously not too concerned about it. "I mean like seriously, whatever you two are saying, obviously isn't funny since no one else around you is laughing?" I questioned, as the two boys looked to see I was right.

"Really, Glona," I heard a voice interupt me and turned to see Malfoy, approaching them. He looked slightly offended considering one of the comments made was clearly about her hair, that part was obvious. "We dont stand for bullies at Hogwarts." Draco continued. I looked to him, first shocked that he would all of a sudden change his whole ideology and beliefs on what is morally alright, until I noticed his slight smirk, and I realized, he had just been making fun of us, even more.

"Very good, Draco. You are an excellent example of a proper student." We all turned to see Dumbledore greeting us. Draco's face flushed red and I couldn't help but laugh a little. I mean seriously? Draco as a model student? Yeah, right. "I would like everyone to take note on Draco's actions and maybe aspire to stand up to bullies as he does." He then pranced away, with his head held high. Ron, who was containing his laugh, finally let it all out, roaring with laughter. Draco gave a quick uncomfortable look, before stalking off with his friends, shooting one more dirty look our way.

"Aspire to be like Draco?" Ron laughed even more. "He's the biggest bully in this whole bloody school!" Ron threw a piece of food in his mouth.

"The best part is, as that the whole Great Hall heard the whole thing happen." Harry commented, before sipping on the pumpkin juice ahead of him. I couldn't help but find myself laughing, as well. It was just the irony of Draco being hailed as an avenger, which clearly crushed his ego a little. "Oh, guys! We have to get to the match!" Harry quickly stated, after looking at his watch for the time.

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