eight / shopping with the malfoys

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Allison Mayhem

        I woke up in a haze, completely forgetting that I was at the Malfoy Manor. I stood myself up and off the bed, walking into the large bathroom connected to my room I was residing in. The room was white and clear crystal, and everything in this house was beautiful, from the decorations to the interior. I had never been to Draco's before, since they came over to my families house, usually. Or my parents would come here, but I never went with them, considering they never wanted me to, and they liked to keep secrets from me. I brushed my hair quickly and threw on something other than my Gryffindor robes. As much as I'd liked to have just thrown a sweatshirt on over a pair of leggings and call it a day, I knew better. So I pulled on a black turtle neck, and slipped my body into a short pencil skirt, with black stockings and some black slip on heels. I figured this would be appropriate for our day out, compared to the disaster outfit I had on the day before. I looked at myself in the mirror, staring at my own reflection. I couldn't help but feel numb. This whole situation was a toxic intensified numbness  that consumed me. I then walked out and down the staircase where a house elf greeted me.

"Master Lucius and Mistress Narcissa are waiting in the dining room for you, Miss Mayhem." The elf squeaked. I smiled slightly and followed her to them.

"Thank you, Miss." I smiled once more to her as she proceeded to look at me in shock.

"Y-you're welcome, Miss Mayhem." She stuttered, then quickly ran off. I noticed Lucius glare over at me, as he wasn't one for respecting the servants.

"How was your sleep?" Narcissa asked me, breaking my train of thoughts, as she poked her fork into a piece of something that resembled sausage but smelled much more amazing.

"It was lovely." I smiled, trying to reassure her of the allusion that I was okay, but I knew she knew I wasn't. They all did. I finally took my seat next to Draco as he stared over at me.

"Today, we are going to start looking for a dress for your wedding." She smiled, hoping maybe the fact that she at least got to choose her own dress would help. But in my mind, I's rather be able to choose my own age and well, husband. "Your parents will also be joining us." She exclaimed as if that'd make me feel any better.

"How great." I faked a smile, trying my hardest to not say that with attitude. I did not want to see my parents, all considering they were in on doing this to me. This wouldn't be happening if they were just, normal. Why would anyone even become a death eater? I was forced into it, yeah, sure. But who would force their kid into it like that? Some parents they were. It was as if they knew what a happy marriage was, or how to even think of someone before themselves. They sucked, and that's just the gist of it.
I looked over at Draco who was smirking. Almost as if he had read my mind. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he removed his eyes from me.

Once we left, Lucius stayed to wait for the arrival of my father, but Draco was forced to come with us. We met with my mother outside an elegant dress shop and then proceeded to walk in. I probably tried on at least 15 dresses before I found one that actually looked decent. I stared at myself in the dressing room mirror and flattened the dress more. I felt a tear begin to trickle down my face and I quickly wiped it away. I didn't want to do this, I don't want to be with Draco, I dont want to have his last name or be apart of his family, and I hate Voldemort. This was all his doing, and it caused my heart to break a little more each and everyday.

"Oh, Allison." My mother yelled in a chippery voice, as I sucked back my pride and turned from the mirror before me. "Come show us the next dress please!" She begged, trying to sound like she was a great mother who was excited for her daughters marriage, when in all honesty, she only cares how pleased Voldemort will be. I lifted it up so I could walk and stepped out in front of the three. My mother clapped her hands to her face, as if she were putting on a show for Narcissa. "Oh, that dress is beautiful!" She cheered. Narcissa was stunned too, which honestly, was more complimentary to me, than my mothers fake reaction. "But by god, did you brush your hair this morning?" She gasped, appalled, as if she just needed something to criticize me for. "We will need to get that taken care of." She muttered, giving me a stern look. My moment of being recognized as beautiful faded within 20 seconds. Thanks mom, you definitely build up my confidence.

I quickly turned back into the changing room, and changed out of the gown and put on my normal clothes. Walking back out, I overheard my mother and Narcissa argued over who was going to pay, as Draco approached me.

"Allison." He whispered. "You do look beautiful." He finally admitted, causing me to look up, taken back by his remark.

I felt my heart clench up and beat vigorously. Why was I getting so giddy over Draco? For all I knew he was probably just saying that to be nice. But why would he care about being nice to me? And by the look on his face, he didn't seem to be lying, but I cant and wont let myself fall for him. I could never do that. My friends are what matter to me the most and this is going to kill them.

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