thirteen / a nice day for a white wedding

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Draco Malfoy

          It was now, already, the twelfth of January. Allison and I sat on the train together, as I felt somewhat better but still felt nervous as I was going to be married to her. There was such a long history between the two of us, that maybe under different circumstances, we could have come together, but we were being forced, and she seemed to despise me more for it, which I could somehow understand. I looked down as her hand was slightly on my leg and I stared over at her.

"What?" She asked, kindly.

"I'm sorry." I stated, but she didn't say anything back. I could see the tension built up in her, that she was bound to explode one of these days. I wont lie, I've cared for her for many years, but she just made it so easy for me to argue with her, as she just never liked me. And I always blamed the golden trio for that.

         Once we arrived to my parents and entered the house, the tents were all set up outside in the garden and Allison went straight into the guest room. It was late so she went right to sleep, or so I assumed. I figured later on it'd be reasonable to just check on her, as it was nearing one in the morning and a part of me worried of what she could do to herself. I creeked the door open and looked inside to see her laying in bed staring off at something.

"I know you're there." She muttered, refusing to move. I opened the door a little more and stepped in. "They're going to hate me." She began to cry, silently, that only the sounds of her sniffles were heard.

"Who?" I asked her, knowing full well who, as it was the only people she actually loved and cared for, which caused a strike of envy and jealousy within me.

"Hermione, Harry, Ron, everyone." She squeezed the blanket tighter, burying her face a little more.

"If they are your true friends, Allison, they wont hate you." I said, attempting to comfort her some, as I knew this was harder on her than it was on me. I placed myself seated at the edge of her bed by her feet and looked back at her, carefully.

"You don't care. You hate Harry so much." She sighed.

"But I care about you." I finally said after a couple of moments of dead silence. She stared up at me and then moved herself over, indicating I go over there. Hesitantly, and cautiously, I lay down next to her and she reached forward. And without me expecting anything, she brushed my cheek with her hand. I reached my arm around her and held her into my chest. I could feel her crying, so I just kept holding her there, as long as I needed to until she finally drifted asleep.

         In the morning I waited downstairs in my black suit and tie. Death eaters from all over began to arrive and my father kept straightening his tie and greeting people, acting as if Allison and I were some happy couple that had wanted to get married. I watched as he shook their hands with a fake smile, and conversed amongst them all. I couldn't help but worry for Allison, because I knew this was the long awaited, dreaded day, and every wedding shouldn't feel the way this does. I stood still as my father approached me, leaning in closer. "Look happy, Draco. We can't disappoint." He had whispered to me through his clenched teeth. I nodded, trying my hardest to look happy, but it was harder than I expected. I watched as Blaise entered, dressed up, and made his way over to me, shaking my hand. My father wandered off into the crowd, so Blaise stayed by my side. Pansy had been his date, which caused me to laugh a little, as she stood near the wall, staring over at me.

"How're you holding up?" He asked, careful as to who was listening.

"I'm fine, Blaise." I assured him, trying to not seem weak. He looked to me, seeing right through my lies.

"And Mayhem?" He continued to ask. I shrugged, as I hadn't seen her since this morning and all she was doing was standing on the balcony in her room, gazing upon the garden below, in complete silence.

         Soon, within an hour, everyone sat in the chairs near the gazebo made from sticks and twigs, in which we would be wed under. I stood up front waiting for Allison to come out, Blaise to my left. Her parents along with mine sat front row.
          The music, shortly after everyone was seated, began and there she was. Glowing with radiance as she looked brighter than the sun. She truly was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen at this point, and I knew for my sake, it wouldn't be too terrible marrying her, but it was hard considering the fact that she was so against it, understandably. She didn't smile, though. She just looked at me, avoiding eye contact with every other person who was here. It was as if we were the only two around. Her father walked her down the isle and handed her off to me. Throughout the speech, that was delivered by an officiant, she just stared off, as if she were in her own world. "Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Allison Mayhem to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The man asked as I continued to just look at her honey filled eyes.

"I do." I spoke, hearing myself talk, as these words echoed in my head.

"And do you, Allison Mayhem, Take Draco Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He continued, looking upon her. She stood for a moment, and I watched as she glanced toward the crowd, mainly focusing on her parents. I quickly looked over to see her mother tense up, and widen her eyes, clearly embarrassed by her daughters hesitation.

"I do." She spoke so softly, it was almost impossible to hear.

"By the power invested in me, under the oath and laws of the one and only Lord Voldemort, I now pronounce you husband and wife." He told us, as Allison let out a deep breath, finally seeming to feel like she was allowed to breathe. "You may now kiss your bride." The officiant finally said. This was it. This was the long awaited moment for everyone here. A moment I tried hard not to think about too much, but it was here, and there was no going back. I lifted up her veil and tossed it over her head. Her eyes were swelled up and red. It had to have been from crying all night. But even then, she still looked stunning. We both leaned in slowly and before we knew it, our lips were gently pushed against one another.

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