ten / the cabinet

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Allison Mayhem

           I sat alone in the Great Hall for lunch. Ron, Hermione and Harry were off doing something so I just stayed here, picking at the food before me. I wasn't necessarily feeling hungry, but I had nothing better to do in my free time, so why not. As I took a sip of water, I felt a cold tap on my shoulder and quickly turned to see Draco. "What are you doing? " i whispered, looking around, nervously. "People are going to think something's going on between us. How thick can you be?" I asked, trying to get him to just leave me alone.

"Do I look like I care?" He looked to me, with the same facial expression he always seemed to make.

"You never look like you care, Malfoy." I rolled my eyes, turning away from him.

"Meet me in the room of requirement in ten minutes." He glared, then walked out. I wasn't sure why he always insisted on meeting with me and talking with me, considering pretty soon we were going to be together for the rest of our miserable lives, so we had all the time in the world to talk about whatever it was he wanted to.
But, here I was, still finding myself walking to the Room of Requirement, following his commands, as I always ended up doing. As I walked in, and toward the middle of the room, I tried to find him. "Draco?" I called out, looking around, confused. When suddenly behind me, the sound of a large sheet falling, caused me to jump back, as I looked to see Draco walking from behind a tall, thick cabinet.

"What? Is this like where we're going to be getting furniture from for our house?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, confused as to why he brought me here to look at cabinets and bed sheets.

"No, it's not furniture we are getting for our house." He mocked me, making his voice slightly lower than usual, and rolling his eyes. I scoffed, while I stepped forward, placing my hand gently on the wood, and examining the engravings and such.

"So what is it then?" I asked, turning back to face him.

"Our next task." He said quietly, as I began to perk up, disappointed, but not surprised that we have yet another assignment.

"What task?" I asked again, taking a seat on the floor and crossing my legs. Getting comftorable would be the best way to ease the tension in the room right now.

"We have to transport the death eaters," he began, before smacking the side of the wood, "through this." He finished as he opened the cabinet revealing its bare and hollow inside.

"Why?" I asked, leaning backwards onto the palms of my hands.

"Well, no one is able to apparate into Hogwarts, obviously, so this is the best bet we have. The only thing is, we have to make it perfect. Any mistakes could kill them." He informed me. Didn't sound too bad of an idea, if we just made a few mistakes.

"So, why don't we just not do anything and then problem solved?" I asked with a smirk. He was unamused. "Joking." I said raising my hands in surrender.

"They expect both of us to work on it, but I don't want you messing anything up, so you don't need to. I just thought I'd tell you." He said, moving away from the cabinet and lighting a candle nearby.

"Wait, I want to be here when you work on it." I insisted, sort of curious, but also so I can keep tabs on when things will happen and how to go about them. And if I needed to, I could stall him from it happening sooner than it should.

"No, you'll just get in the way." He scoffed, shaking his head.

"You underestimate me, Malfoy. I just want to watch." I rolled my eyes, standing up to my feet and walking over to him.

"Fine, you can watch. But if you touch one thing, I'll break your wrist." He tried to threaten me, as if he would. Um, hello, didn't he know domestic abuse was never a laughing matter? I rolled my eyes.

"Scary." I continued to mock him. He proceeded to roll his eyes, and then walk over to one of the tables nearby, lifting what seemed to be a green apple. He walked back over to the cabinet and began to stare at it, hard. As if the apple was just going to magically transfer from his hands to the cabinet and to the death eaters at Borgin and Burkes. "So, you gonna do something with that apple, or just stare at the cabinet like a weirdo?" I asked, crossing my arms, yet again, as he shot a glare toward me.

"You sure you don't want to, I dont know, leave?" He asked rhetorically. I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the couch. This was definitely going to take a while.

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