Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up to a dark room only lit by the light of the moon. I was laying on a really soft bed. I had a slight head ache. I was extremely exhausted. I tried to think back at what happened. It took a little while but everything came rushing back to me. 

I quickly tried to get out of bed, but i was so sore my muscles cramped up. I ended up on the floor with a loud thump, dragging the bed sheets with me. 

 I heard soft footsteps drift up the stairwell. The door to the room I was in cracked open a bit. Just enough room for a head to pop into the room. 

His brown curly hair was standing up in every direction, and his green eyes slid from one side of the room to the other, until they landed on me. Only then did I realize it was Flint. He continued to stare at me with an amused expression. "You ok there?," he asked, a smirk on his face.

"Yea I'm fine."

I got up from the ground only to find myself falling back down. Flint rushed over to me, lifted me up and put me on the bed. 

"I'll be right back," he said. With that he turned and walked out the door. 

"Guys she's awake!," I heard Flint yell down the staircase. 

A few seconds later, Flint walked back into the room followed by the other three boys. They all smiled and walked closer to the bed, each taking a seat on the edge of the bed. 

"How do you feel?," Aaron asked. 

"Like crap. My legs are cramping and I have a head ache. I can barely stand and my neck hurts a bit too."

Aaron grabbed by chin gently and turned my head to the side. "What all do you remember about yesterday?"

"I remember you saying that you guys are vampires. I didn't believe you and I told you to prove it. You showed me your fangs and I still didn't believe you. Then you bit me and that's all I remember."

Aaron nodded his head in approval. "Your neck is healing at a good rate. It will take a little while longer for it to heal completely. Just try not to move around too much. As for your legs, you will be staying in this bed until you are able to stand. You will stay in bed today and we will see how your feeling tomorrow. You can watch TV or play the xbox if you would like. You know, for something to do. If you need anything just let us know. Alright, we will leave you alone. I think you should get some more rest."

All four boys got up from the bed. They all walked out of the room except for Aaron. He quickly leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Sweet dreams angel." 

He then walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I waited until he was completely gone and began to cry. I'm a mess.

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