Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

        Standing there at the top of the stairs was the one and only Alex. He looked sleepy but at the same time he looked like he could kill someone. Hopefully that person wasn't me. I mean I did help save his life so why would he want to kill me? 

        Alex gave out another battle cry and quickly rushed down the stairs. I barely saw it happen. All the blood was rushing to my head from being thrown around like a rag doll. I was also being held up by my feet while my head dangled feet from the floor. 

        I could barely keep my eyes open, and I couldn't feel the upper half of my body. My eyes were burning as I tried to keep my eyes open enough to see what Alex and the other boys would do. They all looked pissed and their eyes became red. They all began to make a hissing noise and opened their mouths. I gasped in shock at the sight of fangs. I mean I already knew they were vampires, but seeing fangs for real life is kind of scary. 

        The beast that had a hold on me tightened his grip on me. I could feel my ribs begin to move and bend. I let out another gasp, this time one of pain. 

        "Let her go you asshole!", Alex yelled. He picked up something shiny from the table and began to run at the beast that was holding me upside down. Alex raised whatever thing he had in his hand and quickly brought it down on the beasts arm. The beast roared in anger and quickly dropped me. Luckily for me, instead of landing on my head like I thought I would, Aaron quickly swooped in and snached me out of the air before I had the chance to hit the hard ground. 

        I could feelt the blood beginning to drain from my head and back to the rest of my body, but I was still really dizzy and I was beggining to get a head ache. 

        "Stay here and make sure you don't make a sound. The beasts have forgotten you. Their focus is on us. I'll be right back."

        I nodded and Aaron ran off to help the other boys fight off the beasts. I sat there still trying to focus and keep my eyes open. I was able to pull myself up and drag myself across the floor to lean against the leg of the table. I know Aaron said not to move but there was no way in hell I would be able to keep myself upright. I panted heavily already out of breath. That beast must have really crushed me because everytime I took a breath it felt like I was sucking in water. 

        I all of a sudden heard a growl come from somewhere nearby. I looked around to find the source but couldn't see anything. I turned back to where the boys were still fighting off the rest of the beasts. It looked like we were winning. One beast was already down and another one was on the way. I watched as Caleb rolled  up his sleaves and grabbed somthing from his pocket and quickly stabbed the beast in the side. He quickly pulled it back out and I realized what it was. He held a stake knife which was now covered in a black substance. 

        I fought down the urge to gag. Although I didn't have time to focus for Micah called out, "Riany behind you!". I quickly turned around and saw another beast. This one was much bigger than the one that had picked me up earlier. I screamed this time and tried to get up and run. The beast roared what sounded like a laugh and put his paw on my leg, stopping me from moving any farther. The beast began to drag me toward him, with me kicking and screaming the whole way there. I was scared shitless. I heard the sound of the boys yelling and screaming my name. They couldn't do anything to help me, they were too caught up with the other beasts that were still standing. I thrashed about, flailing my arms, trying to find any object that could help me.

        After I began to thrash about, the beast began to lower his head closer to me. I began to panic and thrashed more. Pushing and kicking trying to break free. It was no use. The beast had a tight grip. I began to cry, knowing that THIS was the end. I kept crying until I heard the sound of a whistle. I looked up to see Alex with his fingers in his mouth. He began to whistle again. A bright light from another room began to shine into the room. All of a sudden a sword came flying into the room and into Alex's hand. "Rain catch!", Alex yelled. I barely had enough time to blink before the sword was flying in the air toward me. I somehow pulled my right arm free and caught the sword out of the air. I turned around and with all my might, I thrust the sword into the beast's chest. 

        The beast roared louder than it did before, his eyes wide. He began to shake and I felt myself slipping from his fingers. More of that black substance began flowing out of the beasts chest, right where the sword was. I slipped out of the beast's hand and landed on the floor with a thud. I looked back up to the beast who was beginning to sway on his feet. I felt my eyes widden as I realized that the beast was beginning to lean forward in my direction. I quickly pulled myself to my feet and ran for my life. Unfortunately I was not fast enough. The beast was falling faster than I could ever run. The beast came tumbling down to the ground taking me with it. My stumach and up were free, but the lower half of my body was covered by the beast. The weight was too much and I was having difficulty breathing.  My eyes began to water as I felt all the air leaving my lungs. The last thing I heard before my eyes closed for the last time was the boys screaming and Alex's roar of fury. Of course, I get the wierdest way to die. Goodbye cruel world. Goodbye Alex...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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