Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

     I don't know how long I sat there with Alex's head in my lap but it felt like hours. I sat there stroking his hair and whispering multiple prayers that he would be alright. The guys had to leave to go get supplies to help Alex's injuries. His head felt heavy and I had to press the towel the boys gave me tighter against his head. His head had a pretty nasty gash, I was pretty sure he would need several stitches in more places than just his head.    

     More time passed and eventually the front door opened and the boys walked in carrying bags of all sorts of medical equipment. They walked over to a closet and put most of the supplies in the closet. 

     "Why are you putting those away? Don't you need them for Alex?", I asked. 

     "We don't need all of it. We're putting the stuff we don't need in the closet. This is all we need at the moment.", Flint said pointing to the bag he was carrying. 

     The boys came up to where Alex and I were and began to take out the supplies and get everything set up. It looked like surgeons when they get ready for a surgery. 

     "Alright. Rainy? I'm going to need your help here in a second. Your going to have to help Flint and Caleb lift Alex's head so I can wrap this washcloth around his wound to get the dry blood off. Then Micah and I can wrap gauze around it. Since he is one of us he will heal faster than a normal human would so he won't need stitches."

     I looked at Aaron with wide eyes. Alex was a vampire too? Well it did makes sense in a way. He did live with them. If he wasn't a vampire wouldn't they eat them? 

     Aaron looked at me with wide eyes but calmly said. "You ready?"

     I nodded. I was going to help him, vampire or not. Here we go...


     We did it! We got Alex all fixed up. The boys put him in his own room to let him rest. They said he should be up in the next couple of days. 

     "How long will it take him to fully heal?", I asked.

     "He should be up and about and as good as new in about two days. In the mean time I think we should get you some food. I know you haven't been paying much attention to your stomach but it sounds like you ate a village whole." 

     It was perfect timing because right after he finished that sentence my stomach angrily growled. I looked down as my cheeks began to heat up. The boys led me into the kitchen and all of them sat down at the table except for Caleb. 

     "What would you like to eat?"

     "Um... what do you have?"

     "We have anything you want!", Micah said. "Just say the word and Caleb can cook it! He has always wanted to become a chief"

     I looked over at Caleb who was looking at the floor, if vampires could blush his cheeks would be beat red. I was incredibly shocked. I didn't know he wanted to be a chief. Of course I hadn't really learned much about them but he didn't talk very much so I didn't know much about him anyway. 

     "It's true. I really do want to become a chief. What can I say I love food!", Caleb said. 

     I giggled. Who doesn't like food! "I'll take a pasta please!" 

     "Of course madam! Coming right up!"


     After we all ate the pasta, we sat in the living room in front of the big screen TV. It had begun to get late and I was getting tired. The boys didn't seemed bothered by the time and had their eyes glued to the TV screen. I began to doze off when the tingly feeling came back. I sat straight up with wide eyes, my whole body going stiff. The boys took in my reaction and turned off the TV. 

     "Rainy. What's wrong?", asked Caleb.

     "Shhh! I hear something!", said Aaron. 

     The boys sat stiff, tilting their heads in different directions making them look like dogs. 

     All of a sudden, there was a huge bang. I jumped in my seat while the boys shot straight up. Aaron and Micah each instantly grabbed one of my arms and tugged me in the direction of the supply closet. 

     "What are you guys doing?", I asked. 

     "Keep your mouth shut and don't move. We will tell you everything later. I promise!", said Aaron. 

     I sat in the closet as quiet as a mouse as the sounds in the house began to get louder and louder and louder. I shrank back into the dark space of the closet. Just as my back hit the wall, the closet door opened. My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, or at least it felt like it. I put a hand over my mouth to keep any sound from coming out. 

    I could see a figure coming closer. I held my breathe as the figure was inches away from me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then the creature grabbed me and started to pull me out of the closet. I thrashed and began to scream. 

     Once we were out of the closet I saw the boys fighting these big creatures just like the one that just grabbed me. I screamed once more and they all turned to look with horror in their eyes. They made a mad dash to me but at least seven creatures cut them off in their path. I had no idea what to do at that moment and by this time the creature had begun to swing me around like a rag doll. I could feel all my insides becoming mangled up. I could hardly breathe. I thought I was going to die. This is it, I thought, death by being squeezed to death by a creature. Fantastic. Just as I was about to take what I thought for sure would be my last breath, there was a battle cry coming from the top of the stairs. My vision started to fade to black but not till I saw who was standing there.

Cliff hanger! I hope you guys really liked this chapter! I'm very sorry for making you guys wait for it but with it being my last year of school ive been as busy as ever! In the next month things should be calming down so I should be able to get on here and update more often!!! Yay! I can't wait and I'm ready for the stress from school to go away! Any as always comment and let me know what you think! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!


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