Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

    I, Rainy Rose Renburg, look out the window, ignoring the laughter of the class. I focus on each rain drop that falls onto the window and races down and off the window pane.

    The laughter of the students quickly fade and the only sound I hear is the thunder along with every spladder of raindrops that hit the window's glass.

    Getting made fun of just because your name is Rainy and its raining just doesn't make sense to me. I mean I didn't give myself my name.

    The sound of chairs scrapping against the floor pulled me from my thoughts. I looked away from the window to see students heading for the door. I shifted my gaze to the clock on the wall. I had been daydreaming for 45 minutes.

    I quickly grabbed my stuff, scooted my chair back, and headed out the door. Just when I stepped outside into the hallway, I felt this spidery feeling spread throughout my body.

    I froze, looking around at people walking by. I felt like I was being watched. Shaking my head, I walked to my locker and grabbed the books for my next class.


     Walking into calculus, I noticed all the chairs were taken. I turned to the teacher, who grabbed a chair and put it next to a desk.

      " Alex will be your partner for the rest of the year.", Mr. Morton said.

    I nodded and quietly took my seat. I turned my head and took a look over my new partner.

       Alex had blonde hair, blue eyes, and I noticed he had one hear pierced. He also had a muscular build and with those legs I could tell he was a runner.

      Alex turned his head and saw me starring at him. The corners of his mouth turned up and his eyes seemed to smile too.

          "See anything you like?", he asked.

       " Um... sorry. I was just guessing what my new partner is into.", I said, my hands shaking.

           " Ok. So what do you think I'm into?", he asked. Crap should've thought ahead. Good going Rainy.

      I took one look over him and said, " Your into sports, you love to run, flirt with girls, and in your free time you play with your barbies."

            He chuckled and said, " Well you caught me officer!"

    That made me laugh and Mr. Morton gave us a glare. I cleared my throat and turned my attension back to Alex. Alex did the same and then he chuckled again, which made me giggle.

      " Well you got all those right except for one.", he said.

     " What the running one?", I asked trying to keep a straight face. But of course I failed.

  " Funny but no. I was talking about the barbie one. I don't own any.", he said.

   I felt my smile drop.

     " Did i dissapoint you?", Alex said witha smirk on his face.

  " NO!", I said still pouting. " I was hoping I was right on!"

    He gave a little laugh, surprizing me. His laugh was gentle and comforting.

  " Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I gave my one barbie away a while ago.", he said.

  I smiled and desided to ask another question. "So how long ago was that?", I asked.

     " It was such a long long time ago. I think I was two if I can remember right.", he said.

   " Wait! There is no way you can remember anything from when you were two!", I said.

  " Well maybe I wasnt two but I do remember it!", he said. AH HAH!!!! So he did have a barbie!

   I was deep in thought, picturing Alex with a barbie when Mr. Morton interupted.

      " Alright class", he said. " Times up. Now before the bell rings, your homework for tonight is to get together with your partner, and yes you can call them, but I want you to learn more about each other."

   The bell rang and Mr. Morton dismissed us and students left the room.

          Alex turned to me and looked into my eyes and said," Um for our homwork, do you want to meet in the community library?"

       " Um sure.",  I said.

   "Six?", Alex asked.

      "Six", I confirmed. Date set!

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