Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ugh! I have been in this bed for what feels like months. Its only been 3 days. My legs are stiff and my neck is cramped. My neck is almost perfect, only a small scar remains. Aaron won't let me get up from the bed until the scar is gone and no longer noticeable.

I slide my eyes over to my alarm clock sitting on the bedside table. 7:30 a.m. I groan. I would love to go back to sleep but the pain in my neck and my legs keep me awake.

I look toward the door. The hall light is off which means Aaron and the rest of the boys are still asleep. Good.

I swing my legs painfully over the side of the bed and slowly stand. Pain shoots from my feet to the rest of my body and I clench my teeth and tightly press my lips together, not letting a sound through. I take slow, easy steps until I reach the door. I raise my hand and grip the door knob. Slowly and quietly, I pull the door open.

I take a tiny step out into the hallway. I look to my left, then my right. No one is in the hallway. I smile to myself and begin to make my way toward the staircase.

I reach the staircase and take the first step.

"What are you doing?"

I slowly turn around and come face to face with Alex.

"Alex!", I whisper loudly. I run to him and throw myself into his arms. "Where have you been? Why are you here? Did they kidnap you too?" I had a lot of questions running through my brain.

Alex smiled sadly, "I've been here the whole time but I had work to do so I was busy in my office. No, they didn't kidnap me. I live here with them."

I backed away slowly. "You live with them?"

I was shocked. If he lived with them, that would make him one of my kidnappers as well!  I can't believe Alex would do that! He seemed so nice when we first met!

I began to slowly descend the stairs. I have to get out of here. I have to get away from Alex.

"Rainy wait! Let me explain!", Alex said, reaching out his hand to try to grab me. I spun away from his hand and doing the only thing I could do. I ran.

Ignoring the fiery pain in my legs, I ran down the stairs, through some hallways, and out the front door.

Before I could reach the gate that would set me free, an arm wrapped around my waist pulling me to a halt. The person pulled me into their chest and whispered, "Gotcha.", and everything went dark.

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