The figure lashed out with his knife. Kelly dodged it and backed closer towards the fridge. When the figure advanced, Kelly ripped opened the top freezer door. It bashed the figure in the face and flung him backwards.
Kelly bolted towards the garage door. In a panic, she beat and pulled the door, trying anything to make it lift up. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the figure starting to recover.
She dropped to the floor and wedged her upper body through the pet door attached to the garage door.
Just as she was about to make it through, the figure pounced and latched onto her ankles. Kelly kicked and screamed trying to get away.
She was unable to see the figure so she wildly kicked and jerked around. Kelly eventually made direct contact with the killer's face and knocked him away again.
Kelly pushed herself farther through the pet door. She tried to listen for the killer but there was nothing, not a single sound.
"Where'd he go?" Kelly thought and paused her escape.
The sound of the garage door opening filled Kelly's ears. She looked down and realized she was now being lifted up in the air.
"No!" Kelly screamed
Kelly looked above and saw where the door rolls back into the garage. Kelly cried but braced herself for impact.
Just as her neck was about to hit the first beam, she felt a pair of arms on the other side yanked her out.
The pet door had cut opened her belly and legs pretty badly, but she had narrowly escaped.
She looked up at the person who saved her.
It was another ghostly masked figured, dressed in all black.
Kelly had not time to process the confusion, she just screamed and dashed towards the woods that surrounded Stu's house.
Kelly ran with a limp and held onto her bloody stomach. She had gotten cut up pretty much everywhere, besides her face.
The figure chased after her. When he caught up to her he grabbed her from behind and threw her over his shoulder.
Kelly screamed, she flailed her arms and legs trying to kick and punch the killer.
The figure sat her down in front of a tree. He put his hand over Kelly's mouth to stop her from screaming. Kelly's eyes began to fill up with tears as she looked fearfully into the figures soulless masked face.
"Don't scream" The figure whispered
He slowly lifted off his mask to reveal who was under it. Kelly's eyes widened when she saw who it was. The figure released his hand off of Kelly's mouth.
"You're the murderer!" Kelly screamed and scooted back away from him. She stood up and tried to make a run for it.
The man tackled Kelly to the ground. He sat on top of her to keep her still. He leaned down and looked into Kelly's eyes.
"No, no, I'm not! I just dressed like him to save you" Stu said trying to shush Kelly
"What!?" Kelly yelled trying to wiggle out from underneath Stu
"Would you please be quiet darling, I promise I can explain" Stu moved his hands to hold down Kelly by her wrists.
"Fuck you, I don't believe you" Kelly cried
"Look, I know who the killer is. I promise it's not me, I haven't killed anyone" Stu tried to get through to her.
Kelly stared into Stu's eyes. She wanted to believe him. Stu was the sweetest person she knew, he didn't seem capable of any of this. Maybe he was telling the truth. He did save her from another killer after all.
"Why would he have the costume though? And why did he know exactly where I was about to die?" Kelly thought
"Alright fine, but before you explain please get off of me" Kelly said
"Promise you won't run?" Stu asked
Stu looked suspiciously down at Kelly. He playfully stuck out his pinky. Kelly rolled her eyes but locked her pinky with his anyways.
"Good" Stu got off of Kelly.
"So?" Kelly asked
"I know who the killer is because I used to be apart of his plan." Stu confessed
"But I didn't kill anyone, I swear, I'm far too sensitive. I thought he going way overboard so I called him out on it. He didn't like that and threatened to kill everyone I love" Stu grabbed Kelly's hand and took them into his own
"What?" Kelly said more gently this time
"I couldn't tell you or anyone for their own safety. I'd rather die then know I failed to protect you" Stu softly said
"I had to just go along with it and let him carry out his plans. If I didn't he said he would kill you, but clearly he was lying once again" Stu said annoyed
"What are you saying?"
"You were never supposed to be apart of this. I'm so sorry you were" Stu tucked Kelly's hair behind her ears
Kelly stayed silent for a while trying to process what Stu was saying. He let a killer roam around free for her own safety.
A sudden thought popped into her head. She looked up at Stu with an anxious expression.
"Did you purposely tell Tatum to go into the garage to get killed?" Kelly worriedly looked into Stu's eyes, hoping it wasn't true.
"I had too...or he would've killed you" Stu dodged any eye contact with her.
"He almost did!" Kelly shouted
"Well it wasn't supposed to be you in there!" Stu shouted back
"Get away from me!" Kelly screamed
"Look it's a win win, now you and Tatum are both alive" Stu tried to smile and reached his arms out towards Kelly
"Fuck you!" Kelly tried to stand up but she was beginning to succumb to her injuries.
"Let me help you, doll" Stu ran to her side and tried to help her stand.
"No! Stop! Stay away!" Kelly screamed, she began to cough and cry.
She suddenly felt dizzy. Then her world went black.

Screaming for Stu Macher || Scream Fanfiction
FanfictionStu Macher X OC Bruh ignore the title 💀💀 I don't know why but I only recently watched Scream for the first time (even though I love campy horror movies) anyways instantly loved it ummm idk please read thank you 😭😭🙏🙏