Locked Up

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Kelly squinted her eyes and slowly opened them

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Kelly squinted her eyes and slowly opened them. She confusedly looked around her unfamiliar surrounding. The last thing she remembered was being in the woods with Stu.

She was now on a bed in someone's bedroom. She's figured it was Stu's. She looked down and all the blood on her body had been cleaned up. She felt bandages all over where she'd gotten cut up.

She turned her head to the side and saw Stu. He was sitting in a chair next to the bed. He was nervously bouncing his leg up and down and his head was hidden in his hands.

"Stu?" Kelly weakly called out. She felt the urge to cough.

"Elly! You're okay!" Stu lifted his head up and smiled at her

"What happened?" Kelly winced, she tried to sit up but it was too painful

Stu rushed to her side and gently helped her to lay back down.

"You passed out, but don't worry I fixed you right up" Stu titled his head to peer into Kelly's eyes

"Oh" Kelly said

"I'm sorry-" Stu began to apologize

"Shhh" Kelly cut him off, she just wanted silence right now.

The two sat in silence for a while. Stu couldn't take it anymore, he decided to change the subject. He took in a nervous gulp before speaking his mind.

"Uh me and Tatum broke up" Stu awkwardly nodded, he started fidgeting with a pencil on his nearby desk.

"What!? Jeez, how long was I out for?" Kelly looked over at Stu in shock

"Yeah uh she said I was too distracted, and she was right..." Stu trailed off

Kelly looked curiously at Stu. He looked like he had a million thoughts racing through his head.

"I love you Kelly, I've always have. I've just been too stupid or scared or I don't know." Stu confessed

"Stu..." Kelly found the strength to slowly start sitting up

"I'm sorry for putting you and your friends in danger. I wish I could change things, go about it differently. I thought I was protecting you." Stu began to ramble

"Stu, I'm no good. I'm angry and awkward. I'm not the kind of girl you should be with" Kelly sadly said

"But you're the kind of girl I want to be with. I love that I was the one you took your anger out on. It meant that you trusted me with your true feelings. I was able to understand you better, which meant I could help you better. It made me feel special" Stu gazed up into Kelly's eyes.

"Stu, this is crazy" Kelly's began to tear up.

"I love you, doll." Stu whispered, he cupped her face with his hand.

"I love you" Kelly said in a tearful whisper.

She felt like she was melting into Stu's spell. He seemed to have some weird grasp on her feelings. Everything she learned about him in the woods seemed to slip her mind. This was the Stu she fell in love with, not the killer's accomplice.

Stu tilted her head and slowly pressed his lips against hers. Kelly widened her eyes in shock, but slowly fell back into the kiss.

Kelly ran her fingers through Stu's hair. Stu slowly lied her back onto the bed, never breaking away from the kiss.

His hands began to trail up her thigh and up into her skirt. Kelly gasped at the sudden contact but fell relaxed into Stu's touch.

"You okay?" Stu asked

Kelly just nodded, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Good girl" Stu seductively whispered in Kelly's ear.

Kelly opened her eyes to look at Stu. He was staring down at her with look of satisfaction on his face.

"You don't know how long I've dreamed about this, baby"
Kelly and Stu were cuddled underneath Stu's blankets. They were both breathing heavily but felt amazing. All the tension that had been building up between them had finally been released.

"I gotta pee" Stu broke away from Kelly

"Aww" Kelly fake pouted

"Don't worry, I'll be right back" Stu winked and began to put his clothes back on

Kelly pulled the blanket close to her body. Suddenly a sweatshirt and pants hit her in the face.

"Oh shit, sorry!" Stu ran back over to her and hugged her face to his stomach.

Kelly giggled which made Stu relax a lot more.

"I'd figure you wouldn't want to return to the party with bloody clothes so you can wear these."

"Thanks" Kelly smiled, she had almost forgotten she was about to be murdered a couple hours ago.

Stu left the room to go to the bathroom. Kelly slowly put the clothes on. She couldn't tell if her pain was from her injuries or Stu. Maybe both.

She rested on Stu's bed for a while, briefly falling in and out of sleep. She looked over at the clock and realized how much time had actually passed.

"Maybe Stu got distracted by the party and forgot about me" Kelly thought.

Kelly walked over to the door but when she tried to open it, it was locked.

"What?" Kelly felt the same fear she felt from the garage.

Kelly looked around the room for a key or something to help her escape.

"The window!" Kelly thought

She walked over to the window. The latches had already been unlocked. She crawled onto the roof and looked over the edge. It seemed like a far way down.

Kelly decided to keep crawling around the roof looking for an easier spot to land. As she was crawling around she heard a window crash.

She looked over and saw Sidney throwing herself out a broken window. She slid down the sloped portion of the roof barely hanging on.

"Sidney!" Kelly yelled

"Kelly! Help me! The killer-" Sidney began to scream

A hand dressed in black reached out the window holding onto Sidney's wrist. It tried to yank her back inside.

"Sidney!" Kelly fearfully screamed

Kelly slowly stood up, trying to balance on the roof. She quickly but carefully tried to make her way over to Sidney.

Sidney and the killer were in a tug-of-war match with her wrist. Eventually the killer lost his grip and sent her flying backwards off the roof. She landed on a boat parked in front of Stu's garage.

The killer stuck his head out of the window, looking down at Sidney. Kelly gasped which caused the killer to slowly turn his head towards her.

Kelly screamed and jumped down onto the boat. The fall made her injuries a million times more painful.

The girls reunited and held an arm over each other. When they looked back up at the window the killer was gone.

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