Chapter Four

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Avainos used to be a haven, a place of beauty and serenity or so I was told. A long time ago the people of Greece began to lose faith in the Gods that had given them everything but some remained loyal, the Gods favoured them and created this land for us to live in as well as gifting our ancestors with powers. For a long time they lived happily alongside each other but a few Avain's got selfish, they wanted more powers, more control; the Dark Ones. They tried to overthrow the Gods with their army. The Gods were so angry they abandoned all of us. The Light Ones fought the Dark Ones and banished them in the hope the Gods would return but they didn't. We were alone.

The Dark Ones rose up again around 30 years ago from then on life had been horrible and it was only getting worse. They called us traitors and punished us for what 'we' did. They murdered innocent people and pillaged towns and villages, hundreds of children kidnapped and families turning up dead practically every day. All of this had left our land so poor that most of us can't even afford to eat every day and a lot of people have died but as always the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Years ago when you turned fourteen you would gain your powers but now they have become a rarity in the absence of our Gods. Whether you have powers or nor two weeks after you're claimed for Light or Dark. Each power was a gift from one of the twelve Olympians some of the powers such as Athena's power of mindreading has complete disappeared and with no Gods to renew the dying powers I'm afraid they will all die out.

I taught Rosie all this once, she never used to act older like I did, she was sweet and frail. She had brown hair like mine only it was straighter and lighter, she has the same smile as my mum. She was short and slight with blue-grey eyes. Rosie would cry when I cried before she even knew the reason. I loved her more than anything and anyone. I never taught her how to shoot but our Father taught her how to read and write. I wanted her to be able to school. I wanted her to have a better life than I had.

That night me and Jason packed almost everything from bed sheets and pillows to my mum's favourite necklace. A million things rushed through my head, I didn't want to leave anything behind but we couldn't take too much or it would slow us down.

"Jason you have to make me a promise, if the Dark Ones catch us you have to go on with Rosie," I said as soon as Rosie had gone to bed.

"But what if they get you they will kill you Helena and you can't just ask me to be a part of that," He argued looking pained.

"If it means she's safe you have to, please she could have a better life. I'm smart I'll get away and I'll meet you by next week at the hollow. I promise. "

"Then let me stay behind I'll fight them off it's my fault were in this mess anyway," He said avoiding my eyes.

"But you're a faster runner you could get out a lot faster..... Please Jason, you know that and it's not your fault it's the Dark One's killed them not you," I pleaded desperately. I took his hand in mine.

"No," He began.

"Who do you think they will want more me or you I'm younger they can brainwash me a lot easier than you," I interrupted.

"I don't care Helena I'm not letting them take you."

"They won't I will fight them off."

"Helena we're thirteen, if we don't stick together we won't have a chance."

"But she won't have a chance, Jason she deserves a better life," I said forcibly but there was so much sadness in my voice. I dropped his hand.

"Fine but you have to promise me that you will do everything you can to escape," He knew I would never forgive him if he didn't. He knows I would give my life a thousand times for Rosie and he knew I wouldn't break my promise.

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