Chapter One

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I slammed my fists against the white marble door. My body burning with a concoction of anger and fear.

"Nat!" I yelled desperately. "Open the damn door!"

He opened the door. "Helena I..." He began.

I pushed past him into the beautiful house. In any other instance I would have been mesmerised by it riches.

"Your Father came to my house, offered a deal to my parents." I told him. "100 hundred drachmas a month if I agree to marry you."

"I know..."

"You knew!" I snapped. "Nat I am not a piece of property you can't just buy me like everything else in this world!"

"It wasn't my choice Helena I swear," He promised.

"But you didn't stop him!" I argued.

I'd rather it you than someone else," He muttered shyly.

"Why?" I questioned.

"We're friends..."

"Friends!" I retorted. "I sell you berries."

"So you said no?" he asked seeming disappointed.

"How could I? My family is starving Nat, I have to save them." My anger fell away.

I sat down on a chair and held my head in my hands. I was scared, I was only thirteen I wasn't ready to get married I shouldn't have had to be but this was not about me, it was about keeping my family alive. With that money they would always go to bed with full stomachs. My little sister could have a chance at bettering herself and Jason wouldn't have to hunt with me every day and risk our lives stealing food. They'd be safe.

"Helena you don't have to agree to this." He told me sitting down next to me.

"But I do Nat, you don't know what it's like my little sister is eight and she will never go to school, she's never had a full day of food. I have four mouths to feed and no job."

"You'll just live with me Helena, I'd never make you do anything you didn't want to," He said. I felt trapped, like a scared animal. The white walls were closing in on me and I had to get out.

"I should get home," I told him. "I guess I'll see you around."


"Are you going to do it?" Jason questioned appearing in my door way, his voice sour.

"Do I have a choice?" I muttered looking down at my hands.

"Do you love him?" He asked.


"Then don't."

"This is not about me Jason it's about my family," I argued. "I'm doing this so that Rosie doesn't have to."

Jason shook his head, he looked disgusted with me. "We've managed to survive just fine without Nat."

I laughed coldly. "Jason we are starving, I haven't eaten properly since the day I was born and now there are two more mouths to feed but mine."

"That's why we hunt Helena."

"And risk our lives stealing from people who are starving too!"

"Whatever just don't expect me to get all dressed up for your big day," He snapped his voice callous.

"Why are you blaming this on me Jason!" I yelled but my eyes were streaming with tears. "I'm terrified, I don't want to do this."

"Oh I bet you are terrified of those marble walls and rose wood furniture," He growled.

"You know what I don't have to listen to this," I got to my feet and snatched up my bow and arrows. I pushed past Jason roughly, he followed me into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

I grabbed my leather jacket and left slamming the door behind me.

I ran, my feet hitting the dusty ground, the wind blowing against me tears ran down my cheeks. I was being childish, this was the way things had to be. This was my duty and I had to accept that. Crying wasn't going to change anything.

I tripped and my body slammed on to the hard ground. I couldn't get up. I just curled into the fettle position and sobbed. What had I gotten myself into? Would I be expected to have kids, to be a house wife, do whatever I was told? That was most certainly not me.

But what would happen if I backed out now...they would ruin us. My parents would probably lose their jobs and I would have to travel even further to trade maybe even having to cross Dark territories.

My family would have no protection from the Dark Ones

So yes I had to do this. I had to protect my family, my parents who undoubtedly believed they had failed me.

I would never find love but that was okay it was a child-like notion. It was just as frail as hope. Maybe I could learn to love Nat. I was lucky in the sense that I wasn't to be married to a man twice my age like most girls were. That I would be protected in the lap of luxury.

I got back to my feet brushing off the dirt from my ragged clothes. I was being pathetic I would be married to a boy who had shown me nothing but kindness. I would be safe and so would my family.

I took in a shaky breath and returned to the house climbing back through my window and lying down in my bed. Still fully clothed I fell asleep.

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