Chapter Five

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We found a nice clearing in the forest close to a stream, it was almost a circle surrounded by high trees and pine needles were scattered on the floor with plenty of space for some logs, two tents and even a fire. After we set up camp I started cooking some food for us to eat.

"Helena your parents left me these." Jason said shakily. I was never left anything and nor was Rosie but they left something to a child they took in.

I walked up to him and in his hands were four small blue gemstones. I looked at him as if to say so...

"They can set up a barrier that will only let Spirits and us in here so it will be invisible to the rest of the world and we will be safe."

"Okay well set them up then." I said shortly avoiding eye contact.

"What?" He asked

"Nothing I'm just...." I began. I was going to say I'm just still trying to figure things out, but he interrupted me.

"What do you want me to say I'm sorry okay?!" He shouted.

"No it's...." I began but he cut me off again

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting your parents killed. I'm sorry for letting that snake bite Rosie. I'm sorry for destroying your life. I'm sorry for wrecking everything I love. So just go before I get you killed too!" He shouted with tears flowing from his eyes. I could tell he'd been bottling all this up for ages.

But he was wrong. None of this was his fault.

"Jason," I pleaded as I walked up to him. "It's not your fault, it's the Dark Ones. And it was probably a Dark Metamorphosis that bit Rosie so how were you supposed to stop that. You know I don't blame you so stop blaming yourself. And don't you dare think for one second that I'm going to leave because I'm not and I never will." I said softly after I ate I went in to my tent and silently cried myself to sleep. I was scared that I would never see Rosie again or that she might die in hospital. What if when she grows up she resents me for leaving her?

I was scared by the thought that maybe there was no afterlife maybe when the Gods left they took that with them. I didn't even give my parents a burial. If Rosie dies in hospital how will I realise her? How will I let my little sister live on in Elysium when I can't realise her soul?

I wanted to fall into the abyss of sleep to let it pull me away from what had happened and I did after a lot more tears.

When I woke up and found a breakfast of fresh eggs and half a squirrel next me with a note that said

Gone to check for Rosie or Terri be back soon enjoy your breakfast

Jason xx

I ate my breakfast and practiced my shooting at a tree that I drew a figure on. It had targets on the head and heart. I had a perfect hit every time as usual. I heard footsteps coming near to the boundary and drew my bow, taking aim just in case it wasn't Jason.

"Helena there's a letter!" he shouted.

I turned round and shot the arrow at the target on the tree hitting it right in the heart.

"Here". He said handing me the letter.

"Thanks, I'll read it out loud" I replied

The letter read

Dear Helena

Rosie is okay. I will be taking her home later today. I took her in as you have probably gathered by now but I have a few questions .When is her birthday? How old are you? What happened to your parents? Where are you from?


"Oh thank the Gods she's okay," I said hugging Jason with relief.

Jason wrote the letter for me.

Dear Terri

I'm so glad that Rosie is okay thank you so much for taking her in. In answer to your questions Rosie's birthday is the 19thof March. I am 13 years old. My parents were killed by muggers. And we are from Greece but we came here on holiday and I will be staying here now.

Thanks again


"We should give the letter to him tomorrow, he should be back then," Jason said.

I agreed we spent the day getting some logs so we could sit down. Then in the afternoon we went hunting.

We ventured out into the forest with our bows and arrows, and set up some snares together. Then we ventured out further leaving a trail of rocks behind so we would know how to get back. We have always worked really well as a team we caught, three rabbits, and four squirrels that will be enough for a while. When me and Jason hunt, it's like we are the same person.

The next day, me and Jason went to deliver the letter together. Jason put it under the rose bush and I hid nearby. As he put her letter in front of the rose bush and was placing the rocks on top Terri saw him.

"Hey, you what are you doing!?" Terri yelled. He had a heavy unfamiliar accent.

"Terri it's okay he's with me," I replied after jumping up from behind the bush.

"Helena?" He said softly recognising me from the photo.

"Yeah and this is Jason my friend," I answered, friend didn't sound like the right word for Jason it didn't do our relationship justice.

"Do you want to come in and see Rosie she's feeling better now?" He offered.

"I don't think we should. I want her to have a normal childhood. And I will never be able to leave her again." I Continued

"I understand" He said a little disappointed but sympathetic.

We left after saying good bye walking back to camp in silence. I went straight to my tent. Jason could tell I wanted to be alone, I'm glad he didn't try to cheer me up I'd probably say something horrible and we would have another argument. We have a lot of arguments mostly because were so alike and we've been through a lot of bad times together plus he gets mad quite easily and I'm extremely stubborn but it not like were brother and sister no way. Not at all were different than that.

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