Chapter Seven

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We reappeared underground in a terrible place with grimy stone walls, the only light source were candles which just added to the horrible feeling the place was crafting. Kiton pushed me down corridor after corridor full of scared girls with filthy clothes that looked like they were covered in blood but it couldn't be, surely if you wanted to brain wash people it would be mentally. Harming them physically would just cause resentment and anger.

"I'll see to you personally" Kiton sneered as he pushed me into a small cell. I gagged as the smell of urine and blood filled my senses. It had two dirty beds and a just as dirty toilet. The floor was covered in dry blood and so were most of the walls it looked like Tartarus. It was Tartarus.

I whipped around as I heard the sound of metal moving. The thick bars were sliding across nosily to lock me away, my heart began to race and it all started to become real.

"Please. No" I begged.

"Sorry beautiful I'll be back in the morning" He sneered as the bars slide shut and locked me away.

I ran to the bars and shouting abuse at the guards, some laughed or smirked while other's just looked bored but I carried on. They couldn't do this.

"They're not going to let you out" Came a quiet and broken young female voice after a while she had clearly gotten fed up with it.

I whipped round to see a young girl about eight years old curled up in the corner of the cell I must have not seen her when I came in. Her clothes were the same grey as the stone walls and were covered in dry blood just like everything else in this place.

"My names Anna, I'm seven." She said plainly.

"I'm Helena. Thirteen, how long have you been here?" I asked concerned. Scars covered her arms, her brown hair was matted and frizzy.

She looked at the wall behind her it had chalk tallies, lots of them "Four years. You're new" She answered, I nodded.

She told me what they're going to do to me to try and break me, fear and anger started to rise up inside of me. This poor girl only seven tortured. Her innocence torn away from her like it was there's to take. We chatted for a while she told me about her life before they took her away she would have lived quite near to where I worked as a kid. I told her about my life about Jason and Rosie about my parents and finally how I escaped the Dark Ones only to be captured after I thought I was safe.

She said goodnight and fell asleep. So I just laid awake in my fifthly bed until tiredness overcame me. I dreamed of Jason and Rosie, would I ever see them again? What was Jason doing now? I missed them already. It's his 14th birthday in a few days I won't be there on the most important day of his life at least he will be safer after that.

"Get up!" A cruel voice shouted as its owner pulled me out of bed by my hair.

"Get off me" I screamed but it was futile I tried to punch and kick my abuser but he just punched me in the face and blood started to stream from my nose and fill my mouth with its rustic taste. I looked up to find my abuser was none other than Kiton. He pushed me into another room that looked just like my cell but had a drain in the middle and a hose on the side. There was a table left in the middle of the room next to a bigger one. The smaller one was covered in sharp interments. Kiton practically threw me on to the table and tightened the straps on me until they threatened to cut off my circulation. He began to cut me with one of the knives but I passed out; lucky for me.

I woke up back in my cell pain searing every inch of my body. Kiton obviously didn't stop after I passed out I examined my wrists to find multiple scares some still bleeding the same on my legs. My nose had stopped bleeding luckily and it wasn't broken.

"You go off easily," Anna told me. "He'll make you pay for passing out tomorrow."

"Well it's not my fault." I muttered.

"You get used to the pain Helena, it doesn't take long to adjust."

"Why did they take you Anna? We must have done something to merit this?" I asked, I needed to know why this was happening, why I was being punished. Was it for running away, for my parents taking in Jason?

"I'm here because my mother betrayed her father by being light." She told me her lips pressed tightly together in anger.

"I think I'm here because I ran away."

For the first time I looked out of the bars to see an array of damaged girls. Some were crying out for help others shouting for revenge but most were just sat down doing nothing like Anna was , the girl opposite me was about my age and was sat in the corner talking to no one I couldn't make out what she was saying, it wasn't English or Greek. I had to stay strong. I couldn't let them break me. Jason would find me, I was sure of it. He wouldn't abandon me here, he promised to protect me from places like this.

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