Chapter Nine

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When I was woken the next day it wasn't Kiton standing above me with his evil smirk it was someone different. The stranger wore the black hoddie and ripped back jeans with a cap that made it impossible for me to see his face. He didn't pull me out of bed and into the room but merely walked me there he didn't say a word until we were in the room and the door was locked something Kiton never did.

"Helena are you okay?" The stranger said in a familiar voice.

"What do you care?" I muttered. Was this some sort of trick? My own name felt alien nobody had said it a long time. I stared at the man with my tired eyes just waiting for his attack.

"Helena, it's me Jason" He said taking his hat of and reviling his identity. Hate boiled up inside me that fire, it turned to an explosion.

"And where the fuck have you been?!" I shouted slamming my fists into his chest repeatedly "I've been here for almost four months, I was tortured everyday just because you didn't have the guts to kill him. You coward!" I couldn't control myself I wanted to kill him for all the agony he caused me. My claws wrapped around his neck and squeezed he tried to push me off but I held on.

"Helena." He begged.

He pushed me off and pulled out a dagger, my dagger.

"Go on kill me!" I spat.

"Helena I'm sorry I had to work out a plan so they wouldn't find me and I had to wait till Kiton's mission so I could talk to you safely." Jason said taken aback. What was he expecting that I would run up and hug him with a massive smile on my face it's his fault I'm here.

"Sorry means nothing!" I snapped. I spat at him. He looked terrified. Surprised that the old me had been replaced with this monster. Surprised at what he had done.

"Look I only have four days until he comes back and when he does I'll be guarding the corridor. When he's about to strap you down grab the sharpest blade and kill him. I'll be waiting outside and then we will escape back to camp." He explained putting away the dagger.

I wanted to scream at him and tell him that I hate him to grab my dagger and let his blood run down his body like Kiton let mine but something stopped me.

"Okay" I replied plainly Jason moved forward to hug me but I screamed and pushed him back.

"Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me!" I yelled at him my body shaking with anger. He jumped back and apologised, I backed away from him until my back hit the wall. We just stood there in silence looking into each other's eyes I knew he was so sorry but I just couldn't care less. I looked away and sat down. We just sat there in silence for a while.

"Come on let's take you back" he suggested I stood up. He put his hat back on and he escorted me back to my cell being extra careful not to touch me.

That night was dreamless a welcome break from the nightmares that usually plagued my nights. I woke up to Jason unlocking the bars that shut me inside he escorted me into the room like he had done yesterday.

"I brought you some food" Jason held out a bun in his hand. I eyed it up, it wasn't stale. I didn't want to take it, I didn't want to except help from him but the sight of the bun was reminding me how hungry I was. I snatched the bun out of his hand. I couldn't help but stuff my face with it; I was starving.

Jason was looking at me strangely, I used to be able to read him like a book but now I couldn't even tell what he was thinking.

"What?" I asked with an edge of resentment.

"Nothing" I gave him a dirty look and sat down against the wall again. I didn't know what to say I hadn't talked to anyone since Anna died, normal things just seemed so hard for me now. Just like yesterday we sat there in silence I purposely avoided Jason eyes.

I tried to think what I could remember about him. His parents were killed, my parents took him in when he was seven and I was six, he taught me how to hunt. He was my best friend.

"How is Rosie?" I asked.

"She's fine, she's nine now and she's doing well in school." He answered, I was glad that she was okay. He sat down as well careful to stay a good distance away from me which I was happy with.

"Good" I muttered. I still couldn't think of anything else to say and Jason didn't offer anything either so again we sat there in an awkward silence. After a while we he walked me back to my cell

Jason woke me up and walked me to the room.

"You weren't screaming last night" He said after he had locked the door like it was an amazing achievement on my half.

"I wasn't tortured yesterday" I added plainly that wiped the smile off his face.

"You're not going to be able to forgive me are you" He asked.

"Not now no" I answered bluntly. I sat down. Jason kneeled down beside me and held out one of my arms looking at my scars.

"I wouldn't forgive me either" He whispered. He looked like someone had just stabbed him he gently placed my arm back beside me. He just looked down at the floor. I just didn't know what to say. He just looked like a wounded animal waiting for me to finish him with a final death blow that would never come.

"It's their fault not yours you didn't do this to me they did." I told him. I'd spent so long hating him. The Dark Ones they had distorted my mind. It wasn't Jason's fault and I could see the pain in his eyes he cared about me.

"But I let them take you. I just couldn't risk killing you like that. I thought I could just come and rescue you, I didn't think it would take this long. I thought they would only try to damage you mentally and I knew you were too strong for that." He confessed. I knew he was telling the truth. A tear started to trickle down his check. I leaned forward and gently whipped it off. He looked up at me surprised that I had actually touched him. Then I hugged him. I realised how much I'd missed him.

"Come let's go they'll get suspicious otherwise" I said getting up he got up to and walked to the door to unlock it but paused "In two days when you kill Kiton make sure you really hurt him."

"Oh don't worry I will."

Once Jason left I looked at Anna's wall where she had tallied her days. "I'm so sorry Anna" I whispered. She deserved to escape more than I did and I guess she did in her own way she would have Elysium right?

The next day was the same Jason woke me up and walked me to the room.

"So what power did you get?" I asked after he locked the door

"Oh, I'm Telekinetic" He answered surprised by my effort. My father had the same power.

"Nice" I said. "Do you want to tell me the rest of the plan for tomorrow?" I asked.

"So you know the first part" He said and I nodded. "Then you go out of the room and I'll be waiting for you well run up to the surface then I'll teleport us back to camp." He Continued

"If you can teleport why not just teleport us out of here now" I questioned stupidly.

"It doesn't work underground" He explained "I'm not that stupid Helena. Don't you think that would've been my first idea?" He joked

"Well I don't know you're pretty thick" I laughed Jason gave me a familiar look somewhere between holding back laughter and trying to look offended. Then he burst out laughing and for a while we laughed together like idiots. Like none of this had happened like we were two kids. The smile disappeared from my face and Jason noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking about Anna" I replied

"Is that the girl they killed?" I nodded a tear started to run its way down my face. Jason hugged me, I broke down and started to cry.

"At least she's away from this horrible place." He said stroking my hair.

There was a banning on the door "Hurry up!!" Came a voice

It startled me, I scrambled away like a scared animal, clutching myself and waiting for the pain.

"Okay!" Jason shouted at the man "Come on," he whispered to me but I didn't move.

"It's okay," He cooed. "I'm never going to let them hurt you again Helena."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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