Emo, Pregnant And Who's The Dad Again? Chapter 11

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I woke up to a loud cry. Pretty soon it turned into 2 cries. Noah, he is lost in his sleep.

"Noah, get your arm off me!" I said still a little grogy.

"Why?" He said rolling over, putting his face into a pillow. Nice, he won't even wake up.

I got up and jogged to the room next door.

"Hay, you guys. Whats wrong?" I asked as if expecting an answer. "Hungry?- oh and smelly too." I said lifting Connor up and smelling his diaper. "Let me go get daddy, okay."

"Noah... Noah wake up." I shook him gently. "Noah!" I shook harder. "Noah, please... Come help me," I said begining to cry. "fine," I wiped my tears off of my damp cheeks.

"Your daddy is to bussy sleeping to help." I said as I changed their diapers. "Maybe I'll just sleep in here with you guys since your dad is being a jerk-off." I said going back to the door to close it, and once again begining to cry.

I sat in my chair and began to feed them. A few minutes later I turned on the television to keep me awake. Duck Dynasty? What the fuck is that?... I love this show! I wish I had a gun now to shoot Noah with it, see if that'll wake him up. Lets see what else is on... Lets go on Netflix... Vans warped tour '07 [best line up ever], lets watch that, its not like I've seen it a thousand times already. You know what, I feel sleepy, why don't I just take a little nap...

*Noah's pov*

Cryning, ugh... Jay stop crying. You're not a baby. Wait, who else is crying? I dont know. Mom make them shut up. Its not like I'm the dad-

"Shit!" I realized that I'm a dad. "shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Where is Luz? I got up and opened up the door of the babies room. Luz was asleep on the chair with tears running down her cheeks and holding Connor. Or is it Hayden? Fuck they look the same. Umm. #1. Stop the crying. The one Luz is holding cries the hardest. Its Connor. Let me grab him. He is probably hungry, or just wants to go to sleep, because he smells fine.

"Noah?" I herd Luz call.


"Give me him!" She snatched Connor away from me.

"Um, okay I'll take Hayden then..." I said in confusion.

"No!" She walked over to Hayden.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, you don't want to help me, you won't do it at all!" She said.

"What? I never said that!"

"You didn't even wake up when I needed you!" Sadly I never wake up on cue.

"Why were you crying?"


"Yeah, like the water that comes out of your eyes.

"Just shut up, okay. I have kids to worry about." Oh no she didn't.

"No you don't" I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto me. "They stopped crying."

"Noah, let me go, please."

"Um, no." I said and grabbed her wrists.

"Noah, stop!" She said struggling to get away. "Noah!" She struggled harder and my grip got tighter.

"Yes, dear?"

"Let go!" She said violently fighting to get away. Look who's stronger now.

"No. I want you." I said and backed up onto the chair forcing her to straddle me. "Stop fighting back. All I wanted was a kiss."

"Oh, Okay," I slipped her wristbands off of her wrists letting go of her and I kissed her. "You scared me!"


"Its dark, and we're alone, so I thought you were a rapist."

We couldn't help but laugh. After we calmed down, I realized that they must be hungry.

"I think they're hungry." I said.

"Yeah," Luz said getting off of me. "I wish you could produce milk through your man boobs so I wont have to." She sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said meaning it.

"Now, get up and bring them to me, you lazy ass dad." She said sternly.

"Yes, sweetie" I played along.

"And take that smirk off your face!" She half-laughed.

"Would you like some fries with that?" My smirk turned into a smile. "Here, as you ordered."

"No, but seriousley, you NEED to wake up when I call you! Or I will cut you." She said taking Connor in one arm and Hayden in the other.

"Anything for you, love." I sat down next to her.

"Lets watch 'No room for rock stars'!" Luz squealed as I grabbed the TV control.


"Yeah," she said. "Mith Lucker is in that one."

"Okay," I replied and placed my hand on her right shoulder.

"Don't touch me when my bra is off." She snapped and wiggled my arm off of her.


This is the closest I'm ever going to get? Please god don't let this be. "Okay, sweetie." I said pretending to brush it off. No, no, no, this will not do. I will get her later. I'll just have to wait the 6 weeks. Even if it is when school starts, she will be my love for the rest of our lives

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