Emo, Pregnant And Who's The Dad Again? Chapter 6

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-6 months later-

I took of my new beats executive headphones, that I recived a month ago, as a graduation present, and opened my eyes. Ugh, time for work.

I threw a shoe, that was conviniantly on my bed, at my wall. " well, good morning!" breanna yawned walking in.

" hay!" I played along

" what did you need, sweetie?" She rubbed her eyes knowing what I wanted.

" I cant get up." I whined, I have needed help getting out of bed for a while now. She helped me up almost every morning.

" anything for you, baby." She played giving me her hand to lift me up.

" I am sorry I chucked a shoe at your wall, I couldnt find my phone." She is such a great sister figure to me.

" you mean the one on your bed." She giggled.

" their it is," I grabbed it.

" well, lets get you dressed" she rubbed her right eye. " lemme get my mom-"

" already here," she smiled." One of these days, luz, you're going to make a hole in the wall."

" I was sleeping on my phone... Again... Sorry..." I feel like such a burdon on this family's back.

" did you sleep with the bellybuds on again?" Breanna smiled.

" they are so cool, tank yuh' again!" I said taking off the bellybuds from my huge stomach and you could here music playing.

" bring me the horizon? really lucy?" Breanna disapproved of deathcore metal for the babies.

" what do you wanna wear?" Jennifer (breanna's mom) asked opening up my closet door.

" the pregnant shorts!" I said knowing how hot it gets, here in the summer, in texas, dont get me wrong it gets pretty cold in the winter, like below freezing, texas isn't hot all year around like in movies, and no one has an accent that I know, but its like 90° today so im wearing shorts, fuck it!

" maternity shorts" breanna and her mom corrected me at the same time.

" yes, the white ones, and any other shirt that fits"

" oh, I got you a new shirt!" Breanna skipped next door to her room and back with a box.

" no, dont buy me things, I feel guilty, and too cheap to pay back" I whined.

" just lift up your hands," She said." I want to see it on you!" So I followed her orders, its the least I could do for her, anyways I know it wont-

" it fits!" Jennifer cried.

"you look amazing!" Breanna said taking me to the full length mirror in the hall.

" I look like a marshmellow" I pouted.

" you look like an angel... Remember on picture day in 8th grade... how you wore all white, like today, and how everyone said you looked-" breanna was cut-off by her mom.

" you look the same as you did that day."

" I still have that picture! thats why I bought the shirt!" And breanna ran to her room and back with the picture. The shirt I wore that day was very simular to this one.

" well, I cant take it off, but I love it! Thank you... How much do I owe you?" I asked her, " pass me my wallet.

" nothing, its a gift, weirdo!" She laughed," your not supposed to pay back!" She loudley whispered. We all laughed.

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