Emo, Pregnant And Who's The Dad Again? Chapter 2

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-one month later-

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" people yelled as I entered the cafeteria slowly. Every year I tell them that it doesnt matter and not to bring me anything but every year they say that they are late christmas presents.

Last week school let back in from vacation. Everyone saw my stomach. I was afraid that they would pick on me or be mad or prejudice but they were not. They said that it was good that I opened up my eyes to a family. But to tell you the truth im scared.

today most people brought me balloons but my close friends bought me baby gifts, for both genders of course, its to early to determine the sex of the baby.

I tryed to avoid everyone by going back to my locker but then I saw noah flirting with his ex. I tried to look like I didnt care as I passed by them.

"Luz" I herd "LUZ, WAIT!" I sprinted for the restroom as I herd him getting closer. I entered the restroom and a couple of girls were in their talking.

"hey are you-"

"leave!" I said with an angered look in my face. I think they knew how I could be when im angry because they left without a word. I could here Noah calling from the other side of the door, but it just made me even more furiouse. Leslie came in shortly after. She began to speak but I tuned her out and swong the door open. I felt him grab my waist.

"dont ever fucking lay a hand on me again," I said not bothering to look back and I punched the wall hard enough to make my knuckles bleed "or next time your throat will be were the wall was" I said and jogged to my car. I didnt leave I just blasted the stereo.

Bring me the horizon it never ends came on.

'it started off as a one night stand

Lingered to a fling

The sirens and the sergents

Didn't seem to mean a thing

Hide your fangs all you want

You still need the blood

Tell us that its diffrent now your up to no good






i didnt realize it but I began to scream along, I had this wonderful feeling when i did it, i felt like i was letting all the pain out and locking it outside of my car.

The baby started to move a bit and it hurt, but im stronger than that im not going to let some guy get in my mind just because he got in my pants no fucking way. Im going back. School still hasn't started yet, and I wont miss it.

I entered right as the 1st bell rang, got my stuff and headed to first period with a smile on my face.

At the end of the day I got all of the gifts and made an effort to take them to my car, I couldnt, though, but most everyone was gone already.

"let me help you" noah said already heading twords my car with a box.

"The fuck? I dont need your help with anything!"

"it wasnt a question." He said nicely. It was offensive." Hey whats that for" he whined as I shoved him as hard as I could without causing my hand so much pain.

"for being such a fuck up!" And he grabbed me by the arms making me look into him and I could see the pain I was causing him in his bright blue eyes.

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