Emo, Pregnant And Who's The Dad Again? Chapter 1

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*Luz's pov*

 "Will you go to the party with me?" My friend breanna asked. 

 "Um, gotta ask my mom first!" I said knowing the answer would be no. 

 "No, ask your dad first, your mom always says no!" She pouted and I laughed as she hugged me. 

"Your so fucking mean, you know I can't say no when you hug me like that." 

Breanna was taller than me. She had short brown hair and didn't look like me at all. I am of Mexican decent, but was born in Texas, and am slightly pale, you wouldn't be able to tell that I was hispanic if you passed by me in the street. Breanna is black, very light brown actually, but it is very pretty. My hair is naturally black, but I dyed my hair brown and had the bottom part of my long hair bleached white. I love it that way. I did it so I wouldnt look so subdude. My bangs cover my eyes when I let them fall, but I can't concentrate very well when I have them in my eyes. I am 5,2", and breanna is 5,5". I don't concider myself pretty at all, but I am regularly complimented, which bugs me. 

 "I love you no homo sista'" She squealed. 

 "I love you, too." She obviousley wasn't my sister, but I would die for this chick, I lived with her basicly, I would sleep their when my parents would fight which is basicly everyday, but when they both left the house at the same time I would invite her over to my place. 

I felt my back-right butt-poket vibrate. It was my dad, 'go to breannas today, I wont be home' 

Breanna took my phone before I could hit the delete button. 

"Yay! Looks like you can go, Gir!" She said in delight. I loved my nick name, Gir, after the robot dog in Invader Zim, Breanna had given me that nickname when we were younger. 

"Yea, Zim" I said trying to seem excited. 

-at lunch- 

   I carried my tray to the far back corner on the right side of the cafeteria. I always sat here, I claimed it my territory by shoving a girl off the seat after I had made it clear that it was my chair, after all I had been sitting their since the school year began. I got ISS but I gave her a cupcake as an apology. She forgave me and now sits next to me everyday at lunch. 

   I pulled out a sharpie and began to write on the tip of my black converse 'rip mitch lucker' I had just found out that he died this morning. Its such a sad day, my hero died. 

   My friend breanna arrived and sat down infront of me. 

 "Hey their girly I bought you a cookie to make you feel better." She said with sympathy. I grabed the cookie bag, oppend it and saw that their were two cookies one was my favorite, chocolate chip and the other was chocolate-chocolate chip. I gave breanna the chocolate-chocolate chip back and payed her back the 50¢ that the cookie costed. 

   I pulled out my ipod put it on shuffle and 'you only live once' by Suicide Silence came on. I giggled sadley at the irony that Mitch Lucker was singing this and had just died. I ate the cookie in silence. 

 "Hey whats wrong with her?" Robin asked signaling twords me. 

 "Her favorite person in the world died today so she is to bussy being sad to be loud right now." After Breanna said that I turned up the volume till I couldn't hear anything but Mitch Lucker 

'Push your care 

Push your burdens aside  

Erase everything inside that leaves just one thing in your mind

You Only Live Once so just go Fucking nuts'

You only live once so just go fucking nuts' my earphones played. I felt someone grab my shoulder and I turned to see who it was. I pulled out my earphones as I saw that it was breanna telling me that lunch was over.  

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