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^^^(outfits seen above)


I pull out my phone and see a new text from Tyson.

'On my way'

'I'm waiting' I type and send.

'That's my girl' Tyson sends back and it makes me smile. It's not an official date. We've done this before. When Kayla wasn't around he'd take me to dinner and a movie and he'd be my boyfriend for a night. Though he's never done it with Kayla. But this was one of those nights. We never had a serious relationship. Tyson's never asked and I've never thought about it.

About two minutes later he knocks on my door. He's In a cute sweater and then a collared shirt under it and fancy new jeans. "I told you I'd look good" he says smirking as I look him over. I blush a little and twirl for him. We always do this kind of thing.

"Very pretty" he says in approval. He takes my hand and intertwines our finger and we take the elevator down to the parking lot. We get in his black mustang and he reves the engine and then pulls out.

"So were are we going cutie" I ask happily.

"Dinner at the Chinese place and then to see that movie you've been wanting to see"

"Paper towns?!?"


"Oh your the best boyfriend"  I say lovingly and sarcastically. Like I said. We always act like this.

"And your the best girlfriend" he says smiling.

I reach into my bag and pull out my phone.

"So guess what happened today?"

"We went to school?"


"Kayla ditched us?"


"I'm taking you on a date?"

"Yes but that's not what I'm getting at"

"Then what is it. You know I'm bad at your little guessing game"

"When Kayla gave me her number, I read it wrong and it ended up being Thomas Brodie sangster"

"No way" he says casually.

"Yes way. We texted then he called then he face timed and Dylan o brein said hi to me and called me hot"

"I need to tell Dylan I stay away from my girl" he says protectively and I giggle.

"Your giggle will be the death of me" he says.

I smile and keep talking about Thomas. When we arrive at the restaurant Tyson opens my door for me and offers me his hand to help me out. He's so cute when he's like this. We walk in together hand in hand and when we get to the door Tyson let's go of my hand to open it for me. I smile and thank him then take his hand back.

"Mr and miss o'dair?" The lady asks. We come here a lot.

"Yes ma'am" Tyson says and she shows us to a special table reserved for a couple.

Soon waiters come and take our order and I'm not picky so I just got what ever Tyson got.

"So more about Thomas" Tyson says.

"Well he is super famous and didn't tell me to forget his number or anything so what does that mean?"

"He thinks he has a chance with a pretty girl" Tyson says and I blush a little.

"It's not like Thomas would date someone like me. Right?"

"Eh. I dont know what will happen-but what I do know is that Thomas sees something in you and that's why he wants to talk more with you" Tyson says and I nod in understanding.

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