7 years old

672 31 11

They were still adorable. Ty's hair got darker brown.

They went to the second grade. They still loved playing with us with all their toys and remote control cars and they still liked to sleep with me and Thomas every once in a while. Newt made straight a's and Tyson made a-b. We read to them or read with them. We practiced their writing and math. Newt had this habit were he stuck the tip of his tongue out of his mouth as he worked. It reminded me of Thomas. We got a pool in the back yard and they swam all the time. They kept trying to race each other but they always tied. Thomas was so good at always making them look cute. Everything to styling their hair he did perfectly. They started to lose baby teeth and the 'tooth fairy' would come and on Christmas they always came and jumped on our bed to wake us up to see what 'Santa' brought because they would little and still believed in that stuff.

"MOM" I heard Tyson yell. Oh yeah. Today was Christmas.

"Dad!!" Newt screamed.

I gave up and got out of bed.  "THOMAS" I yelled waking him up.

"Love-it's Christmas" I said jogging his memory.

He blinked his eyes and got up too. We walked behind newt and Ty as they ran into the living room and to all the presents piled under the tree. Thomas held my hand and we sat down on the couch while the boys unwrapped stuff. We clearly marked their names on everything.

"YAY!!" Ty screamed out as he opened his present to see a new remote control car.

Newt Opened his gift and saw the new action figure he wanted.

They opened everything and they had all new toys and everything a kid could want. Then they crawled under the tree and got the presents me and newt got. There was some from the boys to me which newt got and some that just Thomas got me. I had the same. Some the boys got him and some I got him.

Thomas opened his first gift to a new leather jacket that I got for him. He looked really happy but he was super tired too.

I opened mine from newt to me and it was a beautiful new ring. With my birthstone in it

"Awe Thomas, boys, thank you so much" I said and hugged Thomas and kissed his cheek and the boys came over and gave me hugs and then they went back to playing with their new stuff. Thomas went to sleep on the couch so I got newt to get some whipped cream and we put some in Thomas hand and then used the duster to tickle his face and in his sleep his smashed the whip cream in his face then woke up. The boys giggled on the floor and Thomas just looked pissed off. He went to get the whip cream off and he came back still mad. Then I looked to see what the boys were doing and they were paying no attention to us so I kissed Thomas and he smiled again. I leaned up next to Thomas while the boys played.

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