O. M. G. Thomas.

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RebeccaMarieHudson graceshuckingmaze sausage44

^^^her dress
Omg it's Thomas and Dylan. Sitting on my couch. A million questions buzz in my head. How did they get in? How did they find me? Why did they find me?

My jaw drops. Thomas and Dylan stand. Thomas is smiling like crazy.

Thomas walks over to me and hugs me tight. I hug him back, wrapping my arms around his middle. Smelling is Cologne. I'm hugging Thomas Brodie sangster. I'm hugging Thomas. Brodie. Sangster.

I hold onto his tighter and just hug him. Take in him.


The Thomas.

I can't believe this.

"I can't believe I finally get to see you" Thomas says and I pull away a little so I can look in his eyes. They seem to paralyze me with their chocolate brown-ness. They're just so perfect.

"Haha. Same." I say then my face turns hard.

"I can't believe that my first words to you in person were 'same' damn I'm so stupid"

"No no. It's cute. Please don't cry." He said wiping a tear from my cheek. I pulled him back into a hug And my tears went down my face, but they were happy tears.

I held him tight and then I opened my eyes and saw Dylan over his shoulder. I pulled away from Thomas to hug Dylan.
"Hey gracy, nice to meet ya" Dylan says when we pull away. "Hi Dylan" I say. I look at him hard to take in all his real life, handsome features. Then I go back to Thomas. I hug him again. When we pull away from the hug Thomas goes for the kiss. I can tell. He's moving slow. Eyeing my lips. His eyes are prepared to close.

"You call that a move?" I say giggling.

"No. I call that taking it slow and cautious--you want a move-" he says then suddenly dips me.

"-You get a move" he says before kissing my lips. Moving in synch. Him, slowly bringing me back up as we kiss. Soon I'm back up right and up against him and his arms are wrapped around me and mine find their way around his neck. When we pull away from the kiss Dylan claps. I blush and set my forehead on Thomas' shoulder while he shoots Dylan a glare.

Dylan stops promptly and Thomas hugs me again.

"It's so nice to see you" I say when we pull away.

"Same" he says kissing my nose.

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