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I wake up to Thomas shaking me.

"Come on love. We've got to get to set" Thomas said.

"Babeee. I'm tired though" I whined.

"Your so hot right now but please wake up and get ready"

"Tommy." I moaned.

I popped my eyes open and he was hovering right over me and he smiled.

"Hello princess" he said cheerfully. I reached up and kissed him gently then got up.

"Were did you get princess from?" I asked digging my self out some clothes from my bag.

"I don't know, it kind of suits you. Your my princess" he said coming up behind me and putting his hands on my hips.

"Your my little Prince Charming"

"Little?" He asked with an adorable little lip snarl.

"I'm taller than you" he said with a squeaky voice that's so cute. 

"I've got it. Your my Romeo" I said turning and lacing my hands to sit behind his neck.

"Perfect" he says and I peck his lips before letting go of him to get ready. I grab some clothes from my bag and go to the bathroom to shower. I shower quickly and put my cloths on in the bathroom. When I go out into our room Thomas stands ready. Well just pulling on his shirt actually. He showered in the other bathroom. "Hello princess" he said putting his thumbs in my belt loops.

"Hello Romeo" I said puting my arms around his neck and playing with his wet hair in the back.

"I love you" Thomas says

"I love you too" I say. I Lean in a kiss him softly.

He rubs his finger tips on the soft skinny jeans I have on. Including my 'I morn the deaths of fictional Characters'

It's really soft too and comfy so it was perfect after a night like last night.

Thomas looked at his watch and told me we had to go. He held my hand as we walked out. I grabbed my phone and put in in my back pants pocket.
When we got to set Thomas had to change and have make up applied. Which was pretty much ratty clothes and make up dirt.

That was the bad thing about this movie. He was dirty when he came back.

I sat in his trailer and little did I know that the TV had a channel which was the filming! "No way" I muttered and I saw Thomas come up to stage so I watched them shoot until lunch. Little did I know what would happen.

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