Testing and telling and pay back

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We had to switch rooms so they could fix the walls. I was so afraid because I didn't know that Thomas was so strong to punch holes in walls and I was kinda afraid of him but I know I hurt him when I flinched.

But we're good now. We got to our other room and me and Thomas cuddled on the couch while we thought of things to do to Dylan.

It was about 10 that night when we couldn't stand it any more. We went and got the tests.

I actually went with Thomas this time but I just kept my head down and held his hand. When we got to the room I went and took the tests while Thomas sat on the bed out side of the room.

Yes yes yes. All were positive.

I went out and walked over to Thomas and sat on his lap.

"Yeah. All positive" I said and we both erupted in smiled and. Thomas hugged me and I leaned in and kissed him.

"This is great" Thomas said beaming.

"I know. I just wish Tyson was here" I said standing from Thomas.

He stood and hugged.

"It's okay princess. He will look down from heaven and see our baby and wedding." Thomas said and I looked up and him and kissed him gently.

"Let's tell every one but Dylan" Thomas said.

"Yeah. He can learn it the hard way" I said agreeing and making a little snarled nose face at Thomas. He made one back at me and We both broke down in giggles. We went to Kaya first. I was just gonna text them but Thomas insisted on going to every one in person.

Thomas knocked on her door while he stood behind me.

She opened the door and saw us and smiled.

"Hey. Glad to see the happy couple back together" Kaya said.

"Yeah. Nothing can permanently tear us apart" Thomas said and i smiled.

"Kaya" I said getting her attention to me.

"I'm pregnant" I said and she was so shocked. Her jaw dropped then she smiled and hugged me. Then Thomas.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Kaya said happily.

"Thanks. we're telling every one but Dylan" I said.

"Makes sense. Now go tell the other boys" Kaya said and we did. Ki hong and will were so happy. We made them come to the hall before we told them because Dylan was in there.

"I'm so happy-" ki hong started to say but then the door jerked open to Dylan. He had a shirt on now but I still smelled smoke.

"What's going on" Dylan thundered. He saw Thomas holding my hand and started to walk tords Thomas fast. Before I could tell what was going on Dylan punched Thomas in the jaw.

Thomas stumbled back.

"NO" I screamed as Dylan went to punch again and I jumped in the way. It was me who Dylan hit. Bad pain shot up my jaw. He looked shocked and scared. He should be. All my anger went loose. All that time at home punching my pillows paid off. I drew back and punched Dylan in the jaw. My knuckles hurt but then I kicked him were the sun don't shine. He fell to the ground moaning.

"No one messes with my Thomas" I yelled at him. Thomas pulled me into his arms. My rage drowned out the pain and it only felt like needles right now but I knew it would be worse.

"That's my princess" Thomas said kissing my head.

Ki hong and will looked at me shocked.

"You better hold onto this one Thomas" ki hong said.

"Don't worry. She's mine" Thomas said.

He lightly tilted my chin up and Thomas looked were he punched.

"It will leave a bruise" Thomas said.

"That's what I call a battle scar" I said kissing Thomas' wrist. The scars were still fairly visible.

He smiled weakly and I saw Thomas' chin already looking blue and purple and a little bit black. Little did we know Kaya had come out side after she heard screaming.

She looked at Dylan on the floor and came over and hugged me.

"That was amazing. And with you even pregnant. Wow" Kaya said.

"You people just under estimate me" I said twisting away from Kaya and Thomas and flipping my hair over my shoulder and walking away. Down the hall to me and Thomas room. I swung my hips and walked like a model.

I got to the door way and winked at Thomas and walked inside.


I remember an old Contry song I heard. 'Hate to see her go but love to watch her leave'

Yeah. That's right now. She just found another turn on. I looked back at the guys and will had his eye brows raised and ki hong had his jaw dropped.

"I swear I will punch both of you!" I yelled and that unphased them.

"Sorry" they both muttered.

I turned around to go to my room but then I heard a cat call whistle and I prepared to punch one of them but it was Dylan propped up with his hands behind his head.

"Go die In a hole you b*stard" I said coldly before running back to our room. She stood waiting by the door.

"What an exit" I said before kissing her. Passionately. She smiled between kissed.

"Love you Romeo" she said.

"Love you princess" I replied.

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