Sorry grace

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"I'm so sorry sweety" the nurse said to me as see wheeled my chair back to my room. I was crying and I couldn't believe it. The doctor said they had cures to try. None were proven perfect but they will do their best. I wonder if their best means I'm still likely to die.


I have 70% chance to die.

Oblivious. I was oblivious to it all. My head hurt today in class. bearable, yet still pain. I blamed it on my contacts. What did I do wrong to deserve this.

I got into the room and Thomas saw me crying and immediately started crying too. He picked me up in his arms.

"What is it" he whispered in my ear.

"Cancer" I whispered back.

"Oh God" he said sobbing. He laid me on the bed. I still got dizzy when I stood.

Then the doctor came in and talked to us. Thomas bawled. So did Kayla. I saw Dylan sheading some tears but Tyson held strong. His eyes looked with tears but he never let them flow. He's my rock. He can be strong when Thomas can't. He can't imagine losing me. I don't blame him. I don't wanna die now. I just got the perfect boyfriend. After so long of being single. I got him. The one. But great, no I get to die.

They plugged in more medicine and some chemo iv thingy.

I cryed more and Thomas crawled in bed with me and snuggled me close and we cryed together.

Thomas stayed for a day before Dylan made him leave to shower and eat a real meal.

Then I was alone. Alone with my thoughts. My thoughts in side my cancer diseased brain.

Thomas came back later looking very good.

"I love you" I said as soon as he walked in.

"Listen. Your not gonna die." He said. I glared at him. It wasn't likely for me to live.

"But I love you. Can't I say that even if I'm not dieing" I said back.

"I love you too" he said pecking my lips.

They brought in a new pill today.

It's blue. My favorite color on coincidence.

I swallow two of them and the nice nurse leaves again.

Thomas kisses my hand all the time. Just because he's so sweet.

That's what he tells me. It's not true. He kisses me because he doesn't know how long he'll be able to do that.

I take those little pills for a week then I go to another scan.


More lights on the Christmas tree that is my brain. I cry. Thomas crys. Even Tyson breaks and crys.

They give me a new pill


Dumb name but okay results in the past.

One more week. One more scan. One more block of my brain swallowed by cancer.

There only one more medication to try before they send me home to die with Thomas.

The name is so weird. I cant even say it.

One week of pills. One scan.

One block of cancer gone

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