3 years old

747 38 8

The boys just turned three today. They're so so cute. They say words adorably like wove' and 'daddy' and 'mommy' and it's all so cute. And we're teaching them religion and about God and reading Bible bed time story's.

We never hear from Dylan and i think it's for the best. We only saw him when Thomas filmed the death Cure.

Thomas stays at home with me and with all the money he got from his films we're very good finically.

We got them a cake to celebrate and The boys get it all over their faces while they eat.

Thomas is just like them. He smears cake all over his face.

"Oh my gosh" I groan. The boys all giggle.

I got out my phone and took pictures of them. I cleaned newt while Thomas cleaned Ty and then I took another napkin and started wiping it off Thomas' face. He smiled at me and pushed my hand away and just kissed me. He tasted like cake. He slipped his tongue on my bottom lip and turned it into a French. The newt giggled by Tyson squealed "EWWWW" and we pulled away.

"Awe come on Ty. Couldn't you see daddy was getting kisses" Thomas said tickling his tummy. (A/n Yes I'm using baby talk) Ty giggled.

I picked newt up and he giggled. He's so cute. Newt looked more like Thomas. He had his dirty blonde hair while somehow Ty got light brown hair. Thomas had it styled the same way for both of them. He always did that. We carried them to their room and we played with them and their toys until they got tired and we put them down for a nap. Then me and Thomas went to our room and cuddled until Ty and newt ran in about an hour later and we picked them up and put them on the bed with us. They came and got In between us and fell back asleep. Me and Thomas looked at each other while the boys slept.

"Love you princess" Thomas whispered.

"Love you Romeo" I whispered back. Then I fell asleep.

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