Chapter | 3

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When I saw Seth walk in , I told Lo and she went over there . Then I went back to Zach ..

* the song ends *

We went back to our seats , where Seth and Lo was . We left them to what they was doing .

30 minutes later

Seth came over and told us they finna leave ( Seth & Lo 😏 ) .

So it was just me and Zach left .. We got to know each other .

Some men came up and asked me to dance but I denied em' .. Some ladies came up and asked Zach and he did the same .


We danced like 4 mo times b4 we left but my feet was hurting like hell .

Me - Can I jump on yo back ?
Zach - Yeah , he said as he laughed a little .

He put me down so I can get in the car . I fell asleep during the ride home .


He woke me up and told me we was @ my house . He helped me in the house and up the stairs .

He sat on the bed . Then we sat there in a awkward silence.

Zach - Well , I'll see u 2morrow .

Me - Alright .

I hugged him and when I started pulling back . We were face-to-face . Next thing u know that we were kissing .

I pulled away . It got kinda heated , he sucked his teeth and smiled . I smiled back .

He got up and walked out . I put my pajamas on . And nite nite I went ✌🏾️💤



I went downstairs to get something to eat . I saw my parents in the kitchen .

Mom - Eat then get dressed we going shopping .

Me - Shoppi-- ... Aweeee NVM

I ate some cereal like always . Then I went upstairs and got dressed .

We went finally arrived @ the mall . We went to like 9 different stores .

11:00pm .

We was finally done with everything . She asked if I wanted sum to eat . I said yeah .. CHIPOTLE !!!!!!!!!

Then we headed home . Today was a long day . I walked and saw Zach & his lil sis . Kam ran to me .

Me - Hey kam
Kam - Hi nana .

She grabbed 2 bags and took em' upstairs . I looked over @ Zach .

Me - Hey Zach

Zach - Whassup

I went upstairs to where's kamryn was .. She asked to see my dress .

Me - Nah it's go be a surprise .

Kam - Okay . Well can I see the shoes

Me - Yeah . IG .

I got the box out the bag and showed em' to her .

Kam - They r very pretty.

Me - Thanks yuh .

Me - Why yall ova here anyway ?

Kam - Ion know . He just said he was coming ova here so I wanted come .

Me - Dwu

I hung my dress up but she didn't see it cuz it was like in a black cover basically a bag and put my shoes in my closet .

We went downstairs . I sat next to Kamryn . About a while later they eventually left .

So I went upstairs to get some sleep . I could barely sleep but I forced myself to sleep .


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