Chapter 8 |

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I was still tryna stop him but he didn't .. Then Stephen saved mah life ... He called his name from downstairs ..

Steph : KLAYY !!

Klay : Yooo !

Steph : Come her for a min ..

He got up and winked and walked away .. I was liking it but i couldn't do it ..

Then I called Zach back and told him that i had to help Ayesha w/ something ....


He said he was getting tired so he'll call me 2morrow .. Then he hung up ..

So I went in the room w/ Ayesha , which was eating seeds and watching law & order ...

Then I joined ..

Ayesha : Want some ?

Me : Mind if I do .

Ayesha : Have as many as you want .

Me : Thanks

Then I got a handful of seeds and started to put them in a cup .. Then Riley joined and layed on top of me ( I was on my back ) ..

Then Stephen came 😒 and jumped in the bed .. Then we all watched TV as a family ..

Riley was the first to go to sleep , then Ayesha and Stephen was the next than mhee ..


I brushed my teeth and washed my face b4 I did anything ..

Then I went in Ayesha and Steph room and saw it was empty .. Everybody was gone 😑 ..

I went downstairs to see klay sitting down on the couch .. Hey Klay .

Klay : Hey ..

Me : Whatchu zoin here ?

Klay : Steph said I could sit here til' they came back .

I got up and went to the kitchen to make me some cereal ..

I felt arms wrap around my waist .. Yeass Klay ..

He picked me up , turned me around and sat me on the counter ... Then he smashed his lips into mine .

He pulled away . Then I started to kiss back . He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist and headed upstairs to my room ..

He shut and locked the door after he sat me on the bed .. He started to climb on top of me . He started to kiss me ..

I wanted to stop it but I couldn't resist him ..
As he started thrust , I grabbed the sheets .. I tried to keep my moans in buhh. That was an impossible thing ..

Me : Ohh Shitt !! ( moaning ) ..

He just kept going faster and harder ..


He finally came and he got up and put his clothes back on ..

Klay : I had a great time ( smiling ) .

Me : I did too ( laughing ) ..

We both started laughing and then he left out . Then I started staring @ the ceiling and realized what I just did ..

FUCKK !!! Did I just fuck Klay ? I can't tell Zach ! I like Zach tho ! Or Klay ? I don't know who ! This too much shit fo me !

Me : KLAYYY !!!

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