| Chapter 4 |

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The Next Morning - 11:45am

I woke up . Seth ugly ass came in jumping on me and shit .

Get cho buff ass off me .

He got off and I got out the bed . He was walking in front of me . So I ran and jumped on his back .

Me : I still love you ( i said smiling ) .

Seth : Oh yeah . Would u love me of I did ( smirking ) .

He started running around the house real fast and went downstairs into the kitchen ..

I started screaming . I almost fell off .

Me : PUTT MEE DOWNN SETHHHH !!!!!!! ( yelling ) .

Seth : ( laughing ) .

He finally put me down in the kitchen ... Seth dying laughing .

Mom : Stop it yall !

Me : It was Seth ! ( pointing at him ) .

I went to fix my plate ( eggs , bacon , pancakes ) . And went back up to my room .

After I ate I got in the shower .

45 mins later

I got out and I called the lady that suppose to do my makeup . She said she'd be in here in 10 mins .

10 mins later

Someone came knocking on ma door . I open the door and it's the lady that's doing my makeup .

It took her about a hour to do my makeup . Then London finally arrived .

London : Somebody lookin sexsayyy !

Me : Oh thanks babygirl .


I finally got dressed ( outfit above ) . The most irritating part off prom is taking pictures 😒 .

I walked out everybody oh'ed and ah'ed . I was loving the compliments tho 😇 .

We got done with pictures of me and went to his house .


I walked into his house to go find him . We was friends but I didn't like him as in a boyfriend . He came down stairs .

Then we walked outside . I was looking around for Seth and I found him along with Zach and Kamryn .

Zach was smiling and shit . His smile is just ... That's a whole different story . Kam was smiling .

I took pics with my mom and dad . Then Seth and Stephen . Then Sydel and Ayesha . And I wanted to take a photo with Zach and Kam so I made that happen .

Then on to prom we went ( 5:00 ) .


One of my friends dropped me off @ home . I walked in the house and Seth and someone else was awake .

Seth : Is that u Shi ?


I walked in and sat on Seth lap and layed back . I looked up and saw Zach .

Me : Oh , hey Zach ( half-sleep ) .

Zach : Hey ( giggled ) .

Me : GN Seth & Zach .

Zach & Seth : GN

I walked upstairs and to my room . Zach came upstairs with me 😏 . I put my pajamas on .

Me : Where's Kam
Zach : Home .
Me : Awh .

He laid on my bed and I laid next to him . I turned over to look @ him . He leaned in and we started kissing .

I eventually got on top of him . We basically started making out . Then I stopped . And sat up . ( keep in mind I'm sitting where his genitals/pelvis ) .

Me : To be Countined ... ( laughing ) .

He started laughing . I got off of him and we started watching TV . I fell sleep with my legs tangled up between him . SOMEHOW !!


I wake up to Zach not being there . I went downstairs to find Seth and Zach in the kitchen .

I walked over to where Zach was along with the cereal 😈 . I tried reaching for the cereal but just couldn't make it 😑 .

Zach : U need help ? ( laughing ) ..
Me : Duhh . U see me struggling .

His tall ass got the cereal I wanted and got a bowl and milk and of course a spoon .

I went in the living room . I tried eating in peaceful but guess what . The two tall mfers came in .

After I got done eating , I went back upstairs . B4 I went back upstairs Seth told me to get dressed .

Me : Why ?

Seth : I got a game today . And mama said tell u to get dressed .

Me : Alrightyy

I walked in the room and got dressed . And did my makeup and stuff .


Seth told me to hurry up and we got in his car . And drove to his game and met with our parents inside the building .

Steph and Ayesha was there Sydel . The game was like 3-4 hours but they won .

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings to celebrate .

AT HOME - 8:00

My mom called me and Seth downstairs . He pushed me 😑 . I rolled down each and every step . I got carpet burn and my legs and arms were sore ..

I was forced to sit next to him . He kept kissing me and hugging saying sorry . I finally said okay so he can stop .

So we basically had a family night w/ Mom , dad , Me , Sydel , Seth , Stephen and Ayesha .

We watched Dead Silence 😏 ( a very scary movie about dolls ) .



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