Over Again

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"Keisha, I don't think we should be together anymore." Rocky said grabbing my arms. "Why Rocky? I thought you loved me!?" I replied trying not to cry.

This is happening, this is it, here's the end of #Kocky. He started to walk away from me. "Rocky please!" I cried out.

My palms were sweating, and I felt like I was going to throw up. I dropped to my knees bawling my eyes out. I look up to see him making out with Delaney.

"NOOOOO!" I call out. I take a gasp for air waking up over that horrible dream. Panting, sweating. "Oh my god" I checked my phone, twitter, and Facebook everything was the same.

It was all a dream. I laid back throwing off my blankets considering I was sweating. "Just go back to bed" I slept for another 45 minutes.

When I woke up the next morning I had a massive headache. After my shower, I took some medicine and threw on some sweats.

"Whatever, if you don't like how I look today, don't look at me." I said to myself. I slipped on my shoes and got into my dads car.

I seriously can't wait to get my license. After the short drive to school, I got out walking in. I put my earphones in and walked to Maija's locker.

We all trolled down to our usual spot by the vending machines. This time, I slid my back down the wall and sat with my knees to my chest.

Today was just awkward, I wasn't in the mood. People were pissing me off, and to top it off I feel horrible. I sat silent through every class.

That night I went him and went straight to bed. I wasn't in the mood for anybody's bullshit.

* 1 Day before the 2 months is up*

"Maija! It's finally here, tomorrow they can talk to us again!" I typed quickly, leaning my head against the bus window. Today was friday, and the day was over. What a perfect Saturday it shall be. Especially since our anniversary is on Tuesday. 5 months. 

That's a long time, especially for me. I threw my hair into one of those super cute pintrest ponytails, and walked out of the house. I climbed into my dads car once again, and waited for him to come out. 

He dropped me off at school, and I started to walk in smiling awkwardly down the hallway. When I turned the corner Maija was standing their smiling. We immediatly ran up to eachother, " TOMORROW IS THE DAY!" we screamed causing people in the halls to look. 

We excitedly bounced down the our usual spot, people staring at us because today we actually looked happy. I cannot wait for tomorrow. 

All day was amazing, I was happy in every class, and nobody could ruin my mood. 

*Next Day* 

Yes! It's saturday. Time to sleep in. I slept in until noon, when I woke up I had no new messages. It's been 2 months and i've only had contact with Rocky once. Gosh. I stayed in bed waiting all day for that call, or text. 

Maija texted me later telling me how Riker sent her the sweetest text. "Hi babe! So happy to talk to you again, just can't wait until I see you in person!" the text read. Yeah, yeah, yeah cuteness but no, I haven't got a text yet. Wah. 

Later that day I found out that R5 was finishing their Loud tour with the rest of their songs fron the EP. Even though the tour dates won't be revealed for awhile, i'm okay with that. Rocky will be back on the road again, and i'll be off his mind. 

Rocky and I were slowly drifting apart, this is just fabulous. I wonder if he's thinking about me right now, probably not. Ugh, Rocky why do you do this? 


I woke up with the strange feeling that Rocky texted me. Nope. Not a text, no call, twitter/facebook notification. Nothing. Absolutly nothing. Gosh, what was he doing that was so important that he couldn't call me? 

What the heck? Gosh. Riker can text Maija, and facetime her, and send cute little snap chats and I get nothing. What is going on? I stayed in bed the rest of the day, I shut my phone off and watched netflix on my TV. Get over it, it's my lazy day. 

*Monday, ew* 

The morning was stupid, we had Choir and Mr.Walsh took the alto section out to work on music. After choir was over, I went up to the Stage Acting room to find out we had a substitute, meaning we could basically do whatever we wanted. 

I asked to go to the library to work on some homework, because the room was to loud. I sat down at one of the tables working on some English homework. "This spot taken?" a low voice said from above. 

I looked up to see a blonde boy infront of me, Gabe. "No" I said looking back down at my work. I saw him pull out his chair and I bit my lip stopping myself from going "lelelele". "So what are you doing here all alone? I'm Gabe by the way." He said smiling at me.

I couldn't help but smile back. "I'm Keisha, and working on some homework."  I turned my attention back to my homework not wanting to blush anymore than I already wanted. Gabe was cute. But Rocky, Rocky kept popping up in my mind.

Stop. Stop Keisha. "I have to go." I said gathering my things standing up. "When will I see you again?" Gabe asked looking at me. "I don't know. Soon." I said smiling before walking out of the library.

I flung the door open, then smack! I hit someone causing them to fall down. "Oh my gosh i'm so sorry!" I said kneeling down helping the person up. He looked at me. "Jake?" I said. "Yeah? Keisha?" He said looking at me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was going!" I said helping him up. He brought his hand up to his head. "It's okay." he said and continued walking. Wow that was weird 2 guys that I thought were cute, in one day, moments from eachother. Weird.

I shook it off and walked back to class. Everyone was laughing and chilling with their friends. I walked to Maija and widened my eyes. "What" She said. "I ran into Gabe. & Jake" I said. "And?" She said. "And I don't know! Gosh, i'm just stressed. Rocky hasn't texted me yet." 

"Keisha that's horrible! What happened?" She replied. Oh god, I don't know. I looked up and saw Gabe standing outside of the classroom. I looked for the sub, who surpsingly is so invested in her book she doesn't see the kid twerking on the table. 

I slipped out of the classroom. "What?" I asked Gabe. "You forgot something in the library" he said to me. "What?" I asked. Just then it hit me, his lips, on mine. I pulled away first. He smiled and walked away. I looked back into the classroom where Maija stood with her mouth open. 

What the hell just happened? 

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