Chapter 1

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I heard the loud clash of lockers as the bell rang.

damn I better get to class can't be late again, Mr Jefferson was already breathing down my neck about it.

I wasn't late, well I wouldn't have been if I wasn't stopped in my track by barbie and her side-kicks.

"what do you want, kiah" I complained.

She flashed me a sarcastic smile "your late to class hun" she snapped.

ugh her voice made me want to head-butt a butterknife

"and whose fault is that, you and your little posse stopped me." I shot back.

she went to open her mouth to say something but it closed and her eyes focused on something behind me.

Great! I turned to look, aaaand it was Mr Jefferson.

"we'll finish this later" she smirked.

I started to head to class, telling Mr Jefferson to shove it on the way there.


School was done for today.

I was tired, so I headed home.

I got in my car and put in a Nirvana CD as my car came to life, not literally.

The whole way home I listened to Nirvana, Drumming my fingers on the dashboard.

I pulled up in the driveway pulling my keys out, and grabbing my bag, and headed inside.

Dad wasn't home yet.

I headed into the kitchen to make some spaghetti, leaving a plate for dad.

I went upstairs and hopped into the shower, removing my eyeliner and lipstick. Then Got into into bed.


I curled the ends of my blue hair and put it up in a ponytail, and curled the loose bits hanging in front of my ears.

I stepped into my closet and pulled on a grey single, a red flannel and a black pair of skinny jeans.

I ran down stairs, Shocker dad isn't home. he must have done an all-nighter.

  I got in my car and started the engine. I didn't have much fuel, so I headed to the gas station.


I made my way to English.

I was the first one there, as usual.

Mrs Wintson was already there and flashed me a grin as I stepped into the classroom, I smiled back. She gestured towards my desk and I sat, I pulled out my book  and started to write, before class started.

This was the only hobby I ever had, I wasn't into sports, my dad couldn't afford an Xbox or anything like that. I mean I have a PS2 but I finished all the games I own.

Eventually the class flowed in with students. I didn't really have any friends, apart from my best friend Parker. He moved away when I was 14, to New Zealand. We still talk though, every day, and we Skype every weekend.

I turned to the page where my actual school work was and continued on that.

I already knew what to do, I was ahead.

Once English was finished I started to head to Math but I felt something hit my face. Oh it was Kiah's hand slapping me.

"what the f*ck Kiah!" I screamed.

There was already a circle of people around us chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I walked up to her and my fist hit her pretty little Chanel face the crowd of students winced at the sound it made.

I turned away and headed to class, but something hit me in the back of the head. Everything went black...


Hello, and welcome to my first story ever! sorry if its terrible i have never written something this long before. warning yeah the chapters are short but its because, again ive never written a wattpad story before. hope you like it (((:

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