Randomness *XP*

10 1 0

Top 8 fictional crushes of mine -


Starla: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Skywarp and Midnight -

Midnight: You wanna go to the Allspark, Pax?!

Starla: 0-0" No -

Midnight: Now, shut it!

1; Rodney Copperbottom (Robots 2005 movie)

2: Skywarp (Transformers series)

3 and 4; Dante (Devil May Cry) and Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
(I merged them together because they were a part of the original Marvel VS Capcom 3 game.)

5; Zero (Mega Man X series)

6; Keith A. Kogane (Voltron. His defender of the universe design, that is :v)

7: Poison Ivy (DC comics)

8; Via■ (Mega Man X DiVE)

"I want to d13 - :'D"

"I want to d13 - :'D"------------------

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