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*Nicole's POV

I started to walk to Jamie's house after my shift had ended. He'd texted me his address, his house wasn't too far, maybe just a bit farther than my loft. But I knew a quicker way to get there.

It was winter so I was chilly and it got dark pretty early, and I was kinda cold my jacket wasn't that thick so I started shiver. I got to one of the alleyways and I cautiously walked down the long path, it was narrow so sounds echoed and it was very unsettling. Ahead of me I saw a couple, the guy had the girl pinned to the wall I assumed they were making out, until I heard her try to scream but the guy put his hand over her mouth.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Stop you're hurting her!"

*Calum's POV

I had this cute little blonde pinned to the wall of the alley, she whimpered once my eyes started glowing and my fangs came out. She started to struggle, they were always so cute when they tried to escape.

"Shh" I said "It will only hurt a lot."

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and sunk my fangs into her neck. She tasted so sweet, she tried to scream and I quickly covered her mouth so no one would here her. But I didn't see that girl coming down the alley.

"Hey! Stop you're hurting her!"

*Nicole's POV

After yelling at that guy I went to see if I could try to get him off of her. I stopped dead in my tracks once he turned his head and I gasped after seeing that his eyes were glowing.

He came at me letting the girl fall to the ground. She got up.

"Run! Get out of here!" I said, the blonde girl picked herself up and ran out of the alley.

"Oh you ruined my fun." The guy pouted.

"You call almost killing people fun?" I said trying not to sound scared.

"Well yeah. You're sassy I like you." He said, then he hissed at me showing of his elongated teeth.

"What are you?" I gasped.

He started to run at me. I was petrified so I turned around and bolted, I had to get to the main road and get away from that guy. I continued to run, hearing the guy's footsteps follow close behind me. I was almost to the main road, when three other guys stepped in front of me. They were all really tall it was to dark now to see any of their faces. The other guy came up behind me so I turned around. That's when I felt a sharp pain in my neck, it was needle. I felt dizzy and passed out.

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