thirty nine

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*time skip -next morning

*Nicole's POV

"Hi." I said cheerfully, as I strolled into the living room.

None of the guys responded, as they were preoccupied, they kept their eyes glued to the TV. The news was on and the blonde reporter, with a stern face, stood in front of a local restaurant.

"I'm reporting live from a crime scene where a local resident was found, dead, in the alley along side this restaurant last night. The police said he was found with two small stab wounds on the side of his neck. The authorities are looking into any possible connection between this murder and the murders that happened a few weeks ago."

"This is bad, isn't it?" I asked rubbing my head.

"Yeah." Ashton confirmed.

"This means there is a new group of vampires in town." Luke said as he turned off the TV.

*time skip -next morning

I walked out from my room into the living room where I found the boys again. They were all concentrating on the TV. But they soon turned it off. I sat down on the couch next to Calum, he placed his hand on my knee and gave me a small smile. But the smile couldn't hide the worry and uneasiness behind his eyes.

Mikey let out a large sigh that broke the somewhat awkward silence. "They found two more bodies last night."

I frowned at the depressing news, I didn't like the thought of killing humans. And that was a well know fact.

"I think these guys are killing just for the hell of it. Not just for the blood." Ashton said.

"What makes you think that?" I asked, looking in his direction.

"Well a small group of vampires can feed off one human and not go hungry for at least two days. The five of us can survive off one human, even without draining them completely. They've killed three humans in two days. They're doing it for... fun."

Sure enough the next morning the news came on and three more bodies had been found. That was six within three days. The idea of vampires killing humans just for the 'fun' of it was, needless to say, unsettling.

From that point on we laid low, feeding from the bags in the fridge. We didn't want to risk getting caught feeding off anyone in town.

*Michael's POV

We had to lay low for a while, we didn't want each other to get hurt. With another group of vampires out there stuff could get complicated. We didn't know how many there were, what their powers were, or if they even knew we were here. The only thing we did know was that they liked killing innocent humans to appease themselves.

*Nicole's POV

Laying low meant staying in and keeping close to home. Meaning we had to keep to the blood in the fridge, but we were slowly running low. So we had to stick with the human food.

I had just finished helping Mikey with his hair, he re-dyed it red because it was fading. After that the five of us began a movie marathon. At that particular moment we were watching 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers'. We all watched the movie attentively until my stomach growled loudly, then all eyes drifted my direction. I chuckled, a bit embarrassed, as the boys smiled at me.

"Let's order pizza!" I said enthusiastically.

"Read my mind." Mikey said. He sweetly kissed my forehead, and ran out of the room with his phone to order some pizza.

"45 minutes." Michael said, walking back in. We resumed the movie and awaited the arrival of the pizza guy.

45 minutes later the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I said as I ran to the door.

I opened the door to find a kid lying on the porch. My eyes widened at the sight of the pale, dead body. I gently turned the body over so I could look at his face. I gasped as I recognized the kid on the porch as Jamie.

"Oh my God Jamie!" I grasped his shoulders and lifted him up, swiping the hair away from his face. Soon my vision became clouded by tears.

"No. No no no!" I cried still holding onto Jamie's body. His once pink cheeks were now pale, his eyes: lifeless, and his skin was now the same temperature as mine. I glanced down at his neck to see two holes... fang marks.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, unobstructed. I laid Jamie's body back down onto the porch, and clamped my hands over my mouth, hoping to muffle my loud cries. I looked around the porch, down the road, and even into the trees, in search of the vampire that killed him, but I found nothing. I shakily ran a hand through my hair, slightly tugging at it. I continued to sob as I knelt next to Jamie, with my head held tightly in my hands.

The boys ran to me, a sense of shock was plastered on their faces. I looked up at them and stood up, leaving Jamie's body on the porch. Luke reached out and pulled me in close to him. I wrapped one of my arms around his torso while my other hand gripped his shirt. I let myself cry onto his shirt, leaving wet marks on his flannel. Luke held my head with one of his hands and with the other he was rubbing my back.

Michael bent down and picked up the pizza boxes. There was a white note on top.

'This town is ours now, we're taking over. Keep an eye out kids, we're coming for you.

Enjoy the pizza.'

*Unknown POV

We kept an eye on them from high up in a tree.

The girl was still crying and the red head finished reading our little note. And they all rushed back into the house.

"Alright... Tonight, we take the girl."

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