thirty seven

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*Nicole's POV

There is absolutely nothing on TV, and it's storming outside, so the five of us are curled up on the couch; pretty much bored out of our minds. And just when we thought that it couldn't get any worse, the power went out. There was a loud conglomeration of frustrated groans.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me!" I yelled, annoyed.

"Guys it's dark. I don't like the dark!" Luke squealed.

"Oh suck it up, you big baby!" Michael said. I could barely see anything, but I did hear a slapping noise and heard Michael say 'ow'. I chuckled a little.

"I'm going to find some candles, Calum go find the matches or a lighter or whatever." Ashton said.

"Ok." Calum replied, getting up and going somewhere. Leaving Luke on my left and Michael next to him. I heard some shuffling, indicating that Michael had left.

"I got some candles." Ashton said, walking back in.

"And I found a lighter!" Calum chimed in happily. Calum lit up a few candles and set them on the coffee table. The tiny lights lit up the room.

"Guys, I have some bad news. Power and phone lines are down. I tried calling the pizza place to order some pizza. And my call wouldn't go through." Michael said sadly as he walked into the room.

"Nice priorities Michael." I said sarcastically. I couldn't see it, but I could practically feel him giving me a death glare.

We grabbed some blankets and wound up on the couch again. We talked and laughed for awhile. Then Michael made a suggestion.

"Guys, let's play truth or dare!" He said.

There was a chorus of 'ok's and 'alright's. We stood up from the couch, and each grabbed a small candle. We swiftly moved into the study where we then sat in a circle with our legs crossed. We set our candles down and began our game.

"I wanna start! Ok... Luke. Truth or dare?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Uh, truth." He said sheepishly.

"Sissy." Michael said under his breath with a small smirk.

"Ok. If you had to make out with one of the other boys, who would you choose? And you have to answer!" I said, feeling proud of my question which obviously made him uncomfortable. He blushed and twiddled his thumbs.

"Uh... Calum, I guess." He said very quietly. Not looking up from his fingers. When he finally lifted his head up, he looked over to Calum, who gave him a wink. He laughed a bit and we continued with our game.

(Cake af! Fwi there is absolutely nothing going on between the two, they're just bestfriends)

"My turn. Michael, truth or dare?" Luke smiled.


"I dare you... to rub peanut butter in your hair."

Michael grabbed his head and let out a small gasp, "Not my hair!"

"You have to!"

"Fine!" And with that Michael stood up and made his way into the kitchen.

About five minutes later a sticky-headed Michael walked back in with a frown on his face. He sulked back to his spot on the floor and crossed his legs. I fought to hold my giggles in.

"I hate you guys." He pouted.

"Love you to." I said.

"Yeah whatever, Ashton. Truth or dare?" Mikey asked.

"Uumm. Dare!" He said.

"I dare you to continue the rest of the game, only in your boxers." Michael said nonchalantly.

"Uh ok." He replied. Ashton stood up and began to strip. He took the hem of his shirt in his hand and slipped it off. I got a nice look at his chest, it wasn't that toned, but he still had an evident v-line. He wasn't too muscular, but his arms... hot damn. Anyway I continued to stare as he proceeded to take off his skinny jeans, struggling at first, then they were completely off.

He looked down at me and gave me a cheeky grin, making me instantly blush. I looked down, suddenly interested in my fingers.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He teased as he sat down. I rested my face in my hands to hide my crimson cheeks.

"Ashton." I groaned in embarrassment.

"Nicole." He groaned mockingly. "Hey I'm only teasing." He said, slightly nudging me.

I groaned again then rested my head on his shoulder. "Just go it's your turn." I pouted.

"Ok. Calum... Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Dare. Duh." Calum replied as if it were obvious.

"I dare you to let Michael give you a make over."

Ten boring minutes passed and a cake-faced Calum came down from my room with Michael. It was impossible for me to hold in my laughter. He had on light blue eyeshadow, pink blush covering his cheeks, fake eyelashes which were crooked, and bright red lipstick - Miranda Sings style. He sat back down in our little circle, and we continued.

"Nicole, truth or dare?" Calum, a.k.a. the drag queen, asked me.


"I dare you to go stand out in the rain for five minutes-"

"Ok! That's easy."

"You didn't let me finish. For five minutes only in your underwear and bra." Calum finished with a smirk.

"Fine." I huffed. I slipped off my sweatpants and top to reveal my black bra and panties. The guys' eyes went wide.

"Staring is rude." I informed them, as I went towards the door that led to the back. I pried the door open and stepped out into the rian.

I stood out in the open, my hands down at my side and my eyes closed, feeling each drop of rain hit my skin. Droplets cascaded down my body towards the ground, the water was soothing. I never minded the rain, I had always found it somewhat comforting. When I was younger I would sit and stare out of my window when storms would roll around. I loved to listen to the soft sound of rain hitting the roof as I laid in bed. I am a certified pluviophile.

I opened my eyes, turned my head and saw the boys looking out of the small window on the door. I smiled and turned my head back around, sticking my tongue out, hoping to catch a raindrop or two. I once again closed my eyes, and stood, simply listening to the rain. Thunder rolled around again; shaking the ground, and lighting flashed; illuminating the sky. Another crack of thunder came along with another bolt of lighting, only this time the lighting hit a near by tree. The tree creaked, then began to lean. I shielded my face with my arms, letting out a quiet scream as the tree fell.

The tree was practically on top of me, when all of a sudden

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