fifty seven

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*time skip

*Nicole's POV

I was in the middle of an intense FIFA match with Mikey. He, like always, was winning. Calum, Ashton, and Luke did their best to cheer me on. I ended up winning by two points, earning myself a few congratulatory high fives and a side hug from Mikey.

"Who's up for some Netflix?" Luke asked.

"I'm down." I said, and the others agreed. We ordered some Chinese and snuggled ourselves into the couch, each with a take out box and chopsticks in our hands.

Mikey grabbed the remote and turned Netflix on, after scrolling through some new shows we decided to try 'iZombie'.

Two episodes later I was hooked. I felt sort of sympathetic, somewhat solicitous, towards the main character. I get her, walking among living people, envying the fact that they can live through their lives and enjoy simple things while we're dead. The only time we are able to feel 'alive' is by eating someone else. The only thing that's different is that I don't solve crimes, and I don't eat brains... that's kinda gross. After ten hours, we had finished season one, all thirteen episodes. It is now officially 3:30am.

Binge watch much?

Well, the boys actually fell asleep five episodes ago, and I continued to watch while they slept. After all the episodes had been watched I switched off the TV and the room became pitch black. I yawned, then snuggled myself into Michael's embrace, being too lazy to venture back up to my room. Michael shuffled, and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Night Nicole." Michael whispered groggily.

"Night Mikey." I hummed in response. He pulled me in close, I shut my eyes, and fell asleep.

*time skip

I woke up alone in my bed. I looked over at my clock it read 7:30am. What the fuck?! Only four hours of sleep, I'm never up this early! I groaned in annoyance.

Idiot body, why the hell did you wake me up so early?!

I stretched and made my way into my bathroom, after doing my business I looked at my reflection. My eyes had dark circles beneath them, and my hair was tattered and greasy. I was in need of a shower, but first- blood. Once I had thrown my hair into a high ponytail, I waddled my way down into the kitchen. I was met by Ashton, looking like he was ready to run a marathon.

"Hey, you're never up this early." He commented.

"Yeah, I know right. I only got four hours of sleep too." I said. "Are you always up this early?"

"Yeah I usually go for a run before everyone wakes up. Except when I spend the night in your room, I never want to move 'cause I think I'll wake you up." He explained.

I replied with a nod as I went into the fridge for a blood bag. He finished off his toast and kissed my forehead as I sipped on my mug of warm blood.

"Maybe you should go back to sleep yeah? You did only get four hours of sleep." He suggested.

"Maybe." I yawned.

"Okay I'll be back soon, I love you."

"I love you too." I said as he walked out of the kitchen. I finished off my mug of blood and flopped down onto the couch. I turned on Jessica Jones, on Netflix, and after thirty minutes I drifted off into a deep sleep.

*Luke's POV

I trudged out of my room and down the hall, I heard Ashton singing in the shower, he must've just gotten back from his run. I continued down the narrow hallway, my barefeet slapping against the hardwood floor. I looked over the banister, down into the living room and saw Nicole curled up on the couch. I slumped down the stairs and chuckled to myself as I passed Nicole on my way to the kitchen, she had her arms wrapped around her body as if she was trying to cuddle herself. I warmed myself a cup of blood and sat myself on the island. Michael, Ashton, and Calum came in soon after while Nicole still slept on the couch.

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