Panda...yes that's my name.

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So, incase your one of the people to read this story in my 7th grade phase, I am so sorry of all the mistakes you’ve had to deal with.

But now I’m in 9th grade in a Art school for writing and relized how Amature I was before this.

I didn’t even capitolize (I). Also, by the way, I suck at spelling and I suck so bad at it that my Spell Check can’t even get close to what I want to spelll so spelling mistakes are a given.

But to all those new reading this, Thank you!

*Also, I’m going to try to make It sad and tragic but honestly I’m not that depressing. But I’ll try!*




My name is actual Panda. That’s what I get for having 2 of the worlds best parents.

Ha. I wished it was like that. True, I did have the best parents...until I turned three and became the ass of the family. They started hitting me, and I’m not talking about the average slap on the hand and a "Don't do it again" speech. I’m talking slaps on the face. Apperntly,sitting on the couch and playing with my dolls was worthy enough for a punishment.

When that treatment started to not have the same effect on me, they started to lock me in the basement. I felt safer in there then with my parents.

When we went out one time and had to go to a hotel, I got to go. I was confused as though why I was allowed to come.

I found out later why.

When we all went to bed that night, I slept on the floor. In the mourning, I looked around to find that only me, and my stuff was there.

No car.

No parents.

Just a 7 year old.


The authorities found me later when I wouldn't go with the super attendant came to my room. She looked surprised and sad.

I was scared to go with her and I guess she called...everybody.

I was put in a Childs-home. I stayed there for about 2 years. I was 9 when I was adopted.

the family who adopted me seemed nice...for the ride home. The mom was, and remains to be,I bitch.the father is just a old sot, and the older brother is a complete purv.the only one good there is my sister who was 13 at the time. She still disagrees what happening to me’s also share a room with her, and she respects me like a human being.

not scum.

not shit.

me. Panda valorous.


"YOU FUCKING BITCH!I LET YOU COME INTO MY HOME AND YOU DON'T EVEN DO WHAT I ASK YOU TO DO!” I get a blow to the head.great.i can feel a black eye creeping hell.

"GET UP!” screamed the bitchy bitch of the west. Kick right in the stomach. All I can think is Staaaaaaawwwwp.ugh,why me!

I was about to get another kick when Tracie, my guardian angel at this house,steped in front of me.” Mom I, have to take me and Panda to school. If we don't get there on time, they’ll call.” call was the magic word. No one, I mean no one, can ever know that I’ve been abused since I was 9.NO ONE.

We ran out to traces car. When we were about 2 blocks away, Tracie pulled into a parking lot.

Ii breathed a sigh of relief and grimaced. Shit. Gym was going to KILL me today.

Tracie looked over. She was about 19 now, but going to college here. I’m 15 now. And an Goth.

"How's it going Pan?” I laughed a little.

"Believe it or not, I haven't been better.” I said. Tracie laughed. She reached into her bag a pulled out deodorant brush, black make-up, stuff to brush my teeth with, and a decent outfit. Black of course.

I thanked her and went into the woods. I was never worried someone was watching. I mean, who the fuck will be in the woods at 6 in the mourning?

When I was changed in black skinny jeans, a black tank-top, black ripped vans, and a black sweat shirt I got into the car. The deodorant called to me. After a quick swipe I put on the rest of the basic needs like, brushing teeth and hair. Then it was make-up time.

I looked in the mirror. My bright ass green eyes stared back at me, along with my brown hair that just reached the bottom of my breast .when I cut it, it looks like its been shacked off by scissors...which,it is. I have pale ass skin, and the black make-up makes it even more noticeable face surprisingly clear. The black eye wasn't as bad as I thought, so I can go with out cover up.

Tracie started the car again, and she drove me to my school.


Ah, you got to love school. Full of sluts, hoes, and bitches. Full of geeks, dancers, artist, and friendly’s. Those are the good ones. Geeks and down.

Its kind of sad to say that this is my heaven.

I walked right past the happy-go lucky cheerleaders, one of them shouted "Hey look, death is coming.” everybody held up there hands into crosses and laughed. I snickered.

I walked over to them and stepped in front of Ally Allen, the biggest bitch of all’s looked up at her (why am i only 5 foot 3?).I smiled and slapped her arm. ”Crosses totally works bitch." I looked at her boyfriend, Reed, and smiled.” You know, its not to late to go out with me.” I laughed,slaped Ally on the arm again and walked away.

I love messing with the IT club.

I walked into my class room and pulled out the ipod Tracie got for me.

I guess I should explain all the secret stuff.

like I said before, I have a really sucky family. Since Tracie hates that hell hole as much as me, and totally disagrees of what’s happening to me, she secretly works. Her work knows about me. If they didn’t, no way would Tracie be getting a promotion every month, or every week everybody gives her 20$ bucks to help support me. I really love them. There the family I really never had.

Am I makeing it sound like that a abused Goth like me has feelings ?oh,sorry. I do that. But its kind of true because I kind of do love everybody there, but I can only see them when 'mother' sends me with Tracie. She thinks that Tracie hurts me. No, we just use make-up to make fake brusies. But other then that, in total, there are only 7 people in my life that I love. Everybody at the old 1987 speed back resturant,and Tracie.

So little love in my so little heart.

the world is grand.


The class started to pile in.

When everybody filed in and the teacher,Mr. Lohart, came in the class shut up.

"Alright class, today we have a new student. His name is Derek Garter, and he will be joining this class for the rest of the year."

Derek look around the class room. When he got to me, his gaze met mine.

I couldn't breath for a moment.

The love story of an abused goth and a vampire *Being re-written*Where stories live. Discover now