Teenage Hormones

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Hey hey hey

So again, this is being edited. Not all in one night of course but over the week end.

If you like the Marvel Universe, TALK WITH ME :D

so uh..chapter 2





chapter 2

I took in a deep ragged breath.

Derek was one hot mother fucker.

he had black hair that reached his shoulders, and eyes to match it. His skin was almost as pale as mine, and you could tell that he worked out by the way his muscles bulged from his tight black tee .his lips were redder then hell.

A thought flittered through my head. And it wasn’t me and him running under a rainbow holding hands, if you catch my drift.

Damn teenage hormones.

"Derek, would you like to say something about yourself?" asked Mr.

Derek sighed.” Sure."

Derek looked around the class, as if studying his chance for kicking off the girls. Ha, he has no chance. He has more black on then well...ME. And that’s saying something.

"Oh my god, look at him. Him and death"-a slut in my class started-"could make each other a perfectly deadly couple.” strike one.

"I know, he has more make-up on then me!” said bitchy Ally. Strike two.

"hey derek, i think your to old to be wearing your mommies make-up.” said nick Regula. Strike three, your out. The entire class started laughing.

well, almost the entire class.

"The poor kid just got here, and your already starting to pick on him? He’s not even wearing any make-up! And if you want to see someone who plays with their moms make-up, look at Shelby over there!” I said. Why were they even picking on derek when this is his first day here? And Besides, Shelby looked like a heard of angry 6 year olds attacked her.

Derek looked over at me with an expression full of graditude,and smiled.

suddenly the world fell still. No more laughing, no more talking. Everybody was still. I looked up at Derek to see him blink, indicating that he’s not frozen.

Again, I damn the teenage hormones.

the world suddenly went off again, reminding me off a light switch. When its down, the world is off. When its up, the world is starting up again.

the laughing finally sub-sided, and Derek starting heading to the seats, not even bothering to talk about himself. God, even the fucking teacher was laughing!

the only seat in the class room opened was in the way back. With the IT club. Everybody sensing this,automatical moved so that me and Derek were next to each other.

Derek sat down next to me and turned. "So, something tells me that everybody moving wasn't really out of the goodness of there heart?" he asked.

I smiled. "You catch on quick. You might actually survive it here in hell." I said. He laughed.


I looked up to see Mr. patently waiting for us to stop talking. I rolled my eyes, but remained shushed. Force of habit.

12 minutes into the lesson, a piece of paper fluttered to my desk.

So gothic chick, What’s your name?


I made a face. So, Derek wants to know my name? Time for the questions and me proving My name is Panda.

beleave or not, its Panda Vlorences.

Panda? No really, your name. Panda is a animal.

Then I’m an animal than. My name is really Panda. I had weird parents.

I scribbled the last part out before handing it back to Derek. I didn't even want to float in that area.

Ok,Panda. I believe you. What was that you scribbled out?

Who cares?

Just wondering. So where do you sit for lunch?

Me? I sit alone. That’s what I get for being the only Goth at this school

well, I guess we have to change both of those things, don't we? ;)

Ok, call me out of the loop but what the fuck does ;) mean? A face that means your fly is open?

Well, since you got three strikes, I guess your going to have to.

I sent that over after Mr. looked away.

Three strikes?

Everybody gets tree strikes or your out .If the IT club says three complaints about you, your out. But it’s ok. I got out from when I was in the office and Ally Allen was late...the stupid bitch.

Well, remind me to thank Ally, for now your all mine…That sounds a bit creepy

I had to use all my strength from smiling and I had to try to calm my heart down.

For the first time in gods know when, I think I had a new friend.

The love story of an abused goth and a vampire *Being re-written*Where stories live. Discover now