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So uh... this book isn''t very sad is it?

Sorry this just isn't my style.

So uh....whatever chapter this is






Where are we going?

Me and Derek have been running for about an hour now’s kind of figured that he was a vampire about now.

I’ve been crying for most of the time. A little bit because of my forever burning arm, and the rest because of...Tracie. And,probley because I was saved. That Derek saved me.

derek saved me...he also said that he loved me.ME.the abused Goth that nobody could ever love.

Derek problem doesn't love me. Ten bucks says that I just blacked out when mom burned me.

yeah,thats it.

Then why was I denying myself of it?

Maybe i want to feel loved?

Maybe I’m high on pot?

Maybe Derek really does love me and he really is a vampire who saved me from my personal hell?

Or maybe your in a coma.

Yeah. Your in a coma.

Great. Now I’m talking to myself. I’m going crazy.

I toke a deep, ragged breath. "So,what know?” I asked Derek. He seemed a little surprise that I was talking.

"Right now, I’m running to my house in the stonehedge.there I’ll be able to think about..everything."he had to yell all this because since I couldn't hear over the wind.

"and tell me what the is happening?“ he nodded and contained to run for about 45 min.when we finally made it to his brilliant home in stone hedge.

Then another question popped up: How could I breath while he was going this fast?


His house is beautiful. It was huge, and it looked airy. The outside was blue and gray., but I’m not really sure because some of the places where walls are suppose to be, are glass walls.

It was a semi-gothic mansion.

I love it.

Derek went in and kicked down the door (poor door). I don't think it was a big priority because he rushed me upstairs and into one of the bedrooms.

Bedroom is a understatement. The floor and the walls were glass. But the floor looked like it had purple water underneath it.like,it was holding it up by glass.

love it.

Derek put me on the blue blanketed bed. It was soft.

Derek left me for about 4 seconds’ heard a bang, then a swear, then a slam, then the door opened again and derek had in his hands a first aid kit.

He popped over to me and put me on his lap so i could put my right arm around him and He could see my left better. He targeted it out and intense pain rippled through my shoulder and upper arm.

Damn that hurts. I looked down to see it.

The burn was just a cross. That hurt. The burn was an anger red mark, looking infected. I knew already, that it would heal, but I’m not going to be able to fully raise my shoulder anymore.

A tear fell down my cheek.

don’t worry.remember,this is just one of those weird blackout dream things. Its not real.

you better be right.

Derek saw the tear run down my face. He quickly kissed it away."shh,shh,its ok baby. I’m going to heal it. I’m going to make the pain go away.” he then put alcohol on it.

the pain was unbearable. I think that was when I blacked out.

Huh. Blacking out is becoming a regular thing for me.


When I woke up, I thought I was in the basement. My arm still stung, but not as much. Weird thing was that I was in someone’s arms. Tracie’s, probably.

I opened them to see...Derek. He saw I was awake and toke a breath of releif."Oh thank god. I thought you blacked out for good.” he kissed my forehead.

I jumped.

He looked shocked, but then knowledge creped along his face.

"oh yeah,your still in trauma."


"Here, let me refresh your mind.” he put his hand on my neck.

I suddenly remembered everything. From my parents leaving me in the hotel to watching the evil women die in front of my eyes.

Holy shit. Derek really did say he loved me.

I whimpered.

"oh,honey,whats the matter?” asked derek.

I sniffed. “Your stupid. People don’t fall in love with other people except in extremely bad books.”

Derek looked astonished.” of course I love you! Why would you think i didn’t!"

"Because we just met.“ I said.

He rolled his eyes. “Most people just meet when they fall in love.”

“No, most people court people into falling in love. You know, dates. And I don’t think you killing my abusers counts.”

That’s when it hit me.

I was free.

I could feel the chains falling off my body. But my mind…it doesn’t believe that.

I don’t know why but a flood of tears fell from my eyes.

I have an excuss to be acting like this. I’ve been abused and I’ve just been attempted to be marked a whore. Give me an excuss to be emotional.

Derek put his arms around me and held me. He kept saying. “Shh, it’s alright. I tell you later but I do care a lot for you.”

We were like that fro a while.

The love story of an abused goth and a vampire *Being re-written*Where stories live. Discover now