#36 Frerard (fluff)

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Frank's pov

I rolled over to hug Gerard, but he wasn't in bed. I yawned as I rubbed my eyes, sitting up. "Gerard?" I called sleepily. I groaned as I got up, twisting the knob of our bathroom door with the expectation that it'd be locked. I realized that there was nobody as the door opened and swung open the door to leave our bedroom. Just then, I heard a loud smashing noise coming from the kitchen. "Gerard?!" I shouted as I ran in, quickly being taken aback by all the glass on the floor. My eyes shot wide open as I looked around, seeing a bottle of alcohol broken with blood on Gerard's hands. He was crying, staring at me in fear in his eyes. "Don't move please I-I don't want you to step on glass wait please.. I'll clean this up okay? Just.. stay there," I pleaded softly as I slowly took a step back. I grabbed our broom and as I carefully began sweeping. "W-What are you doing?" "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." I was stunned when he started picking up the glass pieces with his bare hands, quickly dropping everything and trying to stop him. "Gerard please.." "No.. no no I'm sorry please! No- let go of me!" He shrieked as he dropped everything, sobbing. "Please just.. stay still okay..?" I sniffled, trying not to cry. I quickly cleared a path as I reached my hand out to him, but he quickly flinched. I stared at him in shock, concerned. "I-It's okay, come here okay..?" I crooned as his trembling hands grabbed mine.

I slowly led him out, hugging him tight. I could hear his muffled sobbing while apologising to me profusely, stroking his back. "Hey.. it's okay.. I'm right here with you okay? I-I'm not gonna hurt you or let you get hurt," I whispered as I kissed his cheek. He let me go as he put his hands together side by side, and I examined them closely. "You don't seem to have any glass stuck in your hands.. how come they're covered in blood..?" "I'm sorry.." He mumbled as he pulled his sleeve up. I could feel my heart drop and shatter into a million pieces, letting him go. I stood frozen for a moment before just hugging him tightly, burying my head in his shoulder. I squeezed him tightly as his hands wrapped around my body. I couldn't help but begin to cry, unable to hold myself back any longer. I kept wiping my tears away and took in a deep breath to try and calm down as I regained myself before holding his hand and leading him to the bathroom. "It's gonna sting a little, just try and bare with it okay?" I alerted as I turned on the water. I could hear him wince as the cold water ran over his cuts, trying not to move. I waited for a few more seconds before drying his arm carefully. He sniffled as I threw the tissue away before asking him to wait in the living room. I went to get my first aid kit as I knelt down infront of him, and he gulped as I cautiously applied medicine. "Hurts," "I know, I know, I'll try to be as gentle as I can okay?" "Okay.." I cupped his face as I kissed him before continuing.

I could see his face scrunch up as he turned away, clenching his fist. I lightly tapped on his hand as he opened it. I held his hand, allowing him to squeeze it if he needed to. I kept praising him while I wrapped the bandage around, giving him small kisses every once in awhile. When I finally finished, he just looked down, pouting. I cupped his face as I lifted his chin up to look at me, "what's wrong baby?" "Aren't you mad at me? I-I made a big mess in the kitchen and relapsed and made you clean it all up.. it's all my fault but you took responsibility for all of it." "Baby, you didn't force me to do anything, I wanted to do it. And I did because I care about you silly," I chuckled as I kissed him passionately. I wiped a tear that was rolling down his face as he looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Baby.. baby it's okay. Don't cry anymore okay my love?" "I'm sorry I just.. I'm not used to this you know.. being cared about. I-I thought you'd be mad at me for waking you up. I really thought you were gonna kill me when you saw that I accidentally smashed that bottle of alcohol, and I was sure you'd murder me when you saw my cuts, but you didn't.." he cried. I hugged him tightly as I comforted him, letting him cry it all out. "It's going to be okay my love.. you're safe with me okay?" "..thank you," he sobbed. I kissed his cheek as I held his trembling body, stroking his head and trying to calm him down.

I was eventually able to get him to stop crying and wash his face, tucking him in bed and kissing him goodnight. I stayed with him and comforted him until he fell asleep, making sure he knew that he was safe as long as I was around. I made sure he was sound asleep before deciding whether to just stay up incase he woke up later on and tried to clean up the mess in the kitchen again or just go clean it myself. I thought about it for a moment before carefully getting out of bed and going back to the kitchen to clean up the glass. I gulped, thinking about the fact that he flinched. He flinched, at me. I could feel tears rushing to my eyes as I wondered what had happened in the past to make him so afraid, what caused him to start picking up the glass pieces with his bare hands. I sniffled as I cleaned up the rest of the glass and threw it away. I walked back to our room with a heavy heart, my mind flooding with endless thoughts. I wish he knew how much he meant to me. Just the thought of loosing him or not having him around drove me nuts, and I didn't even want to imagine what life would be like without him. I slowly got in bed and spooned him, hugging him tight. I kissed his head as I held him close, never wanting to leave him alone ever again.

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