#7 Frerard (fluff)

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Gerard's pov

"Gerard?" I jumped as I snapped back to reality to see that Frank had opened the door for me. "O-Oh, sorry." I mumbled as I got out of the car. He shut the door as he looked at me, worried. "Are you okay? You keep zoning out and biting your nails lately. Is something bothering you? Please tell me." He asked as he held my hands. I looked away and shook my head as he looked at me hesitantly. "Are you sure?" "Mhm." "Okay.. but I'm here for you, remember that." I nodded as he kissed my cheek. We held hands as we walked into the mall. I could feel Frank pull me closer to him as we kept walking around, going into different stores. We were shopping for clothes to wear to our tour. We didn't really have any idea what we even wanted to wear there and was just looking around.

Frank's pov

I glanced over at Gerard. He's been so off lately, but won't tell me why. He keeps saying that he's okay, but we both know he isn't. He was looking down as we walked. I looked around before pulling him to the side. "What's wrong?" He asked, confused. I lifted his chin up to face me as he looked away. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? You haven't been yourself lately. I caught you trying on skirts just the other day, is there something you want to tell me? I also saw your computer earlier today, you were searching on how to dress more like a girl. You know that no matter what, I'll always love you, right?" He gulped. I cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me. I wasn't sure if he was just trying them on for fun or why he even bought them in the first place, but I just wanted him to know I would support him either way. Normally, I wouldn't push him and keep asking him like that, but I also didn't want him to be scared. He seemed like he was about to say something, but shook his head. I fixed his scarf and kissed his cheek before holding his hand and walking into a clothing store. They had separated the girls and boys sections, the girls being on the left while the boys being on the right. "Come on, let's go" I exclaimed as we started looking around. While we were walking around, I noticed he'd keep looking over at the girl's section. Eventually, I sighed and started walking over. "W-What are you doing?" "Come on Gerard, I see you continuously glancing over. If there's anything you'd like to see just tell me, you know you can do that right? I won't judge you." "..thank you," he mumbled quietly as we slowly walked through the girls section. We grabbed a couple of outfits before going to the fitting rooms. I stood outside to guard as there were no locks while he changed. After around 10 minutes, he still didn't come out. "Gerard? Are you okay? Can I come in?" I asked worriedly. He hesitated before pulling me in. I smiled as I put my hands on his shoulder, "you look gorgeous baby." It was a green cheer outfit with a skirt. He let out a small sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me. I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him close as I kissed him back. "So, what do you think of this, or do you wanna try the others?" "This one's perfect." "Alright, change back and we'll go pay alright?" I was about to turn and leave, but he grabbed my arm, "Wait" I stopped and turned back as he paused before speaking again. "...thank you" I smiled and kissed his cheek, "of course."

-on the day of the tour (in the bus)-

Gerard rubbed his eyes as I shook him. I smiled as he clung onto me. "Wake up sleepy, we have to get ready." "Mm.. five more minutes" I giggled as I pulled him out of bed. He grumbled as I kissed him. "Come on, let's go." "Fine.."

After a few minutes, Mikey started walking up to everyone with the cheer outfit, looking confused. I gently nudged Gerard as I saw the colour from his face drain. "I-I haven't told them yet.. what do I do? Do I just lie and say to throw it out? But I really liked it.. Wait no, what if I just hid in the bathroom and you tell me when he puts it back- " "Or you could tell them." Gerard paused. "I..I don't know. What if they don't support me? What if this whole band falls apart because of me? How do you think they'll take it?" "No matter what, I'll always support you okay? Even if they don't, I will. It's best if you just come out and say it. I'll stay by your side okay?" "..okay" I looked back to see Mikey walking up to us. "Come on," I whispered as I pulled Gerard lightly. He sighed as we approached him, standing in the middle of the room. Before Mikey could say anything, Gerard grabbed the outfit. Mikey stared at him confused as Ray stopped what he was doing and looked up. "Go on," I encouraged him as he gulped. "Um.. you are probably wondering who's this is.. well.. uhm..i-it's mine. I haven't told anyone but Frank, but..I now go by he/they." He mumbled. Mikey and Ray stood in shock. "Oh! Alright, um, do you have a different name you prefer to go by or..? Is there anything we can do to help you? You know, feel more comfortable?" Ray asked, quickly breaking the silence. "Gerard is okay, and I was thinking of wearing it for today, but I'm not sure how our fans will react. Are you guys.. okay with me like this?" Mikey smiled as he put one hand on Gerard's shoulder, "Of course. We'll support you no matter what, even if our fans don't." I could see Gerard's face light up as he smiled, letting out a big sigh of relief. "Thank you guys, so much really. It feels really good to get that off my chest." "We all love you so, so, SO much Gerard... GROUP HUG!!" I shouted as I threw myself on Gerard. He laughed as everyone started walking towards him and hugging him.

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