#19 Petekey (fluff)

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Pete's pov

I sighed as I shoved my head into Mikey's hospital bed, squeezing his hand. I couldn't help but shed a tear, looking at his monitor. I quietly shifted my chair closer to his face, cupping it. I kissed his cheek, trying to hold back my tears. "You're gonna be okay baby," I whispered, knowing he was sound asleep. I gulped as I sat back down, holding his hand. I adjusted his blanket, feeling how cold he was. My heart broke, seeing him in this state. "Pete," someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see Ray. "Go home and shower, get some sleep and just come back in the morning alright mate? I'll look after him, promise," he gave me a reassuring smile. I looked down and nodded, giving Mikey one last kiss before leaving with a heavy heart. I groaned as I shut my car door, covering my face with my palms as I couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore. I sniffled as I put one hand on the wheel, trying to pull myself together. I looked over at my empty passenger seat, I miss him already. I took in a deep breath, trying to focus on just getting home quickly.

-in the morning-

I quickly rushed to the hospital while being on a call with Mikey, trying to tell him to be patient while driving. I had to hold myself back from speeding, hearing him sob. He'd texted me in the middle of the night updating me on what they'd done to him, and Ray was holding the phone for Mikey as he just kept crying. I didn't see his messages as I was already asleep, and I couldn't feel any shittier. I was ready to just drive myself into a ditch and die, I deserved it. I could barely focus on the road, but managed to calm Mikey down slightly and take a small nap. I sniffled as I ran into the hospital. The nurses had to calm me down so that I could give them the info and who I was visiting. I ended up running to the nearest bathroom to calm myself down. I washed my face and tied little space buns with my hair. It was simple, but it was Mikey's favourite. I walked to his hospital bed, looking around. There were so many wires attached to him and medicine around. Ray put one hand on my shoulder, patting my back before standing up and pointing at the chair. I sat down and thanked him quietly before watching him leave. I held Mikey's hand, jumping when his eyes immediately opened and he turned to me. "Did I wake you up? I missed you my love," he shook his head as I stood up and cupped his face. I gave him a small hug, not wanting to hurt him. I knew deep down that all I wanted to do was just give him the biggest and tightest hug ever, tell him everything's gonna be alright. We both chuckled through our tears, "I missed you too." his voice was shaky and soft. I wiped his tears, kissing his cheek. "There there, don't cry okay? I'm here for you baby, I'm right here." "i-it hurts." "I know baby, I know.," I cooed as he showed me the scar. I examined his body, leaving soft kisses all around.

The nurse came, holding his food. She informed me that he had to eat first before taking his medicine. I nodded as she left, turning my attention back to him. I carefully wrapped my arms around him, pushing him to sit up. I moved his bed up and gave him a small kiss on the forehead before adjusting the table to be infront of him. "See baby? You got pancakes," I smiled as I started cutting it into small pieces, but he shook his head. "I know it's hard, but you have to eat something baby, you know that. Don't you wanna go home faster? Just a few bites okay?" "Hmph.." "babyyyy.." I groaned as I lifted his chin up to face me. "Come on," "fine.." he grumbled, taking a small bite. "Seeee, it's good right?" I teased, seeing him smile slightly.

Mikey's pov

I felt like I'd just been through 7 different dimensions, ran over with a truck several times, but it was all worth it if it meant I could see Pete. My vision was blurry, and I was sad that I couldn't see his face clearly. He kept showering me with light kisses all around, praising me for every little thing I did. The pancakes were near tasteless, but I forced myself to eat it just to make Pete happy. I love him so much. "I'm so proud of you baby, c'mere muah," he kissed me passionately as I finally finished my food. I felt like vomiting, but I managed to hold it in. Seeing his face upclose was comforting. He was cupping my face with his warm hands, just smiling at me. I looked up to see little space buns, chuckling, "space buns!" He giggled as he lowered his head, letting me play around with his hair. He gave me a quick peck on the hand before standing up again. He put the food away before grabbing my medicine. He placed them infront of me, passing me my water. I whimpered as I looked down, seeing the amount of medicine there was and shaking my head. "I know baby I know, slowly okay? We'll get through this together," he pleaded as he held my chin to look at him.

Hesitantly, I nodded. He slowly pushed the syringe as I gagged, quickly filling my mouth with water. He kept patting and stroking my back, resting his head on mine. He moved his hand down to mine, allowing me to squeeze it. I was getting dizzy already, but I still had one more. "Yucky.." " and you're doing so good babe, you only have one more left, you can do it!" He encouraged me. Everything was starting to get blurry again, but I could see a spark in his eyes as he cheered me. I let out a small sigh before drinking it, coughing right after. "It's okay baby, it's okay. You did great! See? All done," he repeated as he leaned down to hug me, patting my back. "You did good baby," he whispered as he kissed my cheek. He put it all away before lowering my bed again. He tucked me in as I struggled to keep my eyes open. The medicine had made me sleepy. "You wanna sleep?" "Mhm" "sleep tight okay? I'm gonna be right here when you wake up, promise. Kiss?" He asked. "A-are you sure you wanna kiss me? I have an endless amount of antibiotics all over my lips mixed with vomit and-" he cut me off by leaning in for a kiss. We held that kiss for a good minute before pulling away. "You're perfect my love."

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